Ansible Package Changelog
- ansible-9.0.1
- Version Changes
- Modules Added
- Modules Removed
- Collections
- ansible-8.5.0
- Version Changes
- Modules Added
- Modules Removed
- Collections
- ansible-8.3.0
- Version Changes
- Modules Added
- Modules Removed
- Collections
- ansible-8.0.0
- Version Changes
- Modules Added
- Modules Removed
- Collections
- ansible-7.6.0
- Collections
All changes compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.5.0
Version Changes
Collection | Old Version | New Version |
---|---|---| | 6.5.0 | 7.0.0 |
ansible.netcommon | 5.2.0 | 5.3.0 | | 1.14.0 | 2.1.0 |
arista.eos | 6.1.2 | 6.2.1 |
awx.awx | 22.7.0 | 23.3.1 |
azure.azcollection | 1.18.1 | 1.19.0 |
cisco.aci | 2.7.0 | 2.8.0 |
cisco.asa | 4.0.2 | 4.0.3 |
cisco.dnac | 6.7.5 | 6.7.6 |
cisco.intersight | 1.0.27 | 2.0.3 |
cisco.ios | 4.6.1 | 5.2.0 |
cisco.iosxr | 5.0.3 | 6.1.0 |
cisco.meraki | 2.16.5 | 2.16.14 |
cisco.nxos | 4.4.0 | 5.2.1 | | 6.3.0 | 7.0.0 |
community.ciscosmb | 1.0.6 | 1.0.7 |
community.crypto | 2.15.1 | 2.16.0 |
community.dns | 2.6.2 | 2.6.3 |
community.docker | 3.4.9 | 3.4.11 |
community.general | 7.5.0 | 8.0.2 |
community.grafana | 1.5.4 | 1.6.1 |
community.hashi_vault | 5.0.0 | 6.0.0 |
community.hrobot | 1.8.1 | 1.8.2 |
community.mysql | 3.7.2 | 3.8.0 | | 5.0.0 | 5.0.2 |
community.postgresql | 2.4.3 | 3.2.0 | | 1.0.0 | 2.0.0 |
community.sops | 1.6.6 | 1.6.7 |
community.vmware | 3.10.0 | 4.0.0 | | 1.13.0 | 2.0.0 |
containers.podman | 1.10.3 | 1.11.0 |
dellemc.openmanage | 7.6.1 | 8.4.0 |
dellemc.powerflex | 1.9.0 | 2.0.1 |
f5networks.f5_modules | 1.26.0 | 1.27.0 |
fortinet.fortimanager | 2.2.1 | 2.3.0 |
fortinet.fortios | 2.3.2 | 2.3.4 |
hetzner.hcloud | 1.16.0 | 2.3.0 |
ibm.spectrum_virtualize | 1.12.0 | 2.0.0 |
inspur.ispim | 1.3.0 | 2.1.0 |
lowlydba.sqlserver | 2.2.1 | 2.2.2 | | 21.7.0 | 21.7.1 | | 21.10.0 | 21.10.1 |
netapp.cloudmanager | 21.22.0 | 21.22.1 |
netapp.ontap | 22.7.0 | 22.8.2 |
netapp.um_info | 21.8.0 | 21.8.1 |
netbox.netbox | 3.14.0 | 3.15.0 |
purestorage.flasharray | 1.21.0 | 1.22.0 |
t_systems_mms.icinga_director | 1.33.1 | 2.0.1 |
Modules Added
Collection | Module |
---|---| | aws_region_info | | ec2_import_image | | ec2_import_image_info | | iam_access_key | | iam_access_key_info | | iam_group | | iam_managed_policy | | iam_mfa_device_info | | iam_password_policy | | iam_role | | iam_role_info | | rds_global_cluster_info | | s3_bucket_info | | sts_assume_role |
ansible.netcommon | cli_backup |
cisco.aci | aci_bgp_best_path_policy |
cisco.aci | aci_bgp_timers_policy |
cisco.aci | aci_fabric_interface_policy_group |
cisco.aci | aci_fabric_node_control |
cisco.aci | aci_fabric_pod_selector |
cisco.aci | aci_fabric_wide_settings |
cisco.aci | aci_interface_policy_leaf_fc_policy_group |
cisco.aci | aci_interface_policy_spine_policy_group |
cisco.aci | aci_l3out_bgp_protocol_profile |
cisco.aci | aci_match_as_path_regex_term |
cisco.aci | aci_match_community_factor |
cisco.aci | aci_match_community_regex_term |
cisco.aci | aci_match_community_term |
cisco.aci | aci_match_route_destination |
cisco.aci | aci_match_rule |
cisco.aci | aci_route_control_context |
cisco.aci | aci_route_control_profile |
cisco.aci | aci_system_banner |
cisco.aci | aci_system_endpoint_controls |
cisco.aci | aci_system_global_aes_passphrase_encryption |
cisco.dnac | network_settings_intent |
cisco.intersight | intersight_bios_policy |
cisco.iosxr | iosxr_bgp_templates |
cisco.nxos | nxos_bgp_templates |
cisco.nxos | nxos_fc_interfaces |
community.general | facter_facts |
community.grafana | grafana_organization_user |
community.vmware | vmware_host_acceptance_info |
containers.podman | podman_container_exec |
containers.podman | podman_runlabel |
dellemc.openmanage | idrac_network_attributes |
dellemc.openmanage | ome_alert_policies |
dellemc.openmanage | ome_alert_policies_actions_info |
dellemc.openmanage | ome_alert_policies_category_info |
dellemc.openmanage | ome_alert_policies_info |
dellemc.openmanage | ome_alert_policies_message_id_info |
dellemc.openmanage | redfish_firmware_rollback |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_casb_profile |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_casb_profile_saasapplication |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_casb_profile_saasapplication_accessrule |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_casb_profile_saasapplication_customcontrol |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_casb_profile_saasapplication_customcontrol_option |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_casb_saasapplication |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_casb_useractivity |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_casb_useractivity_controloptions |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_casb_useractivity_controloptions_operations |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_casb_useractivity_match |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_casb_useractivity_match_rules |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_dvmdb_upgrade |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_firewall_accessproxy6_apigateway6_quic |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_firewall_accessproxy6_apigateway_quic |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_firewall_accessproxy_apigateway6_quic |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_firewall_accessproxy_apigateway_quic |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_firewall_casbprofile |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_firewall_casbprofile_saasapplication |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_firewall_casbprofile_saasapplication_accessrule |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_firewall_casbprofile_saasapplication_customcontrol |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_firewall_casbprofile_saasapplication_customcontrol_option |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_firewall_vendormac |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_firewall_vip_quic |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_pm_config_meta_reference |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_securityconsole_install_objects_v2 |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_switchcontroller_managedswitch_routeoffloadrouter |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_switchcontroller_ptp_profile |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_system_csf |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_system_csf_fabricconnector |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_system_csf_trustedlist |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_system_sdnproxy |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_virtualpatch_profile |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_virtualpatch_profile_exemption |
fortinet.fortios | fortios_casb_profile |
fortinet.fortios | fortios_casb_saas_application |
fortinet.fortios | fortios_casb_user_activity |
fortinet.fortios | fortios_switch_controller_ptp_interface_policy |
fortinet.fortios | fortios_switch_controller_ptp_profile |
fortinet.fortios | fortios_system_speed_test_setting |
fortinet.fortios | fortios_virtual_patch_profile |
fortinet.fortios | fortios_web_proxy_fast_fallback |
inspur.ispim | hba_info |
inspur.ispim | update_psu |
netapp.ontap | na_ontap_ems_config |
netbox.netbox | netbox_config_template |
purestorage.flasharray | purefa_file |
Modules Removed
Collection | Module |
cisco.ios | ios_logging |
cisco.iosxr | iosxr_bgp |
cisco.nxos | nxos_bgp |
cisco.nxos | nxos_bgp_af |
cisco.nxos | nxos_bgp_neighbor |
cisco.nxos | nxos_bgp_neighbor_af | | aws_region_info | | iam_access_key | | iam_access_key_info | | iam_group | | iam_managed_policy | | iam_mfa_device_info | | iam_password_policy | | iam_role | | iam_role_info | | s3_bucket_info | | sts_assume_role | | hana_query | | sap_company | | sap_snote | | sap_system_facts | | sap_task_list_execute | | sap_user | | sapcar_extract |
dellemc.openmanage | dellemc_get_firmware_inventory |
dellemc.openmanage | dellemc_get_system_inventory |
hetzner.hcloud | hcloud_datacenter_facts |
hetzner.hcloud | hcloud_floating_ip_facts |
hetzner.hcloud | hcloud_image_facts |
hetzner.hcloud | hcloud_location_facts |
hetzner.hcloud | hcloud_server_facts |
hetzner.hcloud | hcloud_server_type_facts |
hetzner.hcloud | hcloud_ssh_key_facts |
hetzner.hcloud | hcloud_volume_facts |
ibm.spectrum_virtualize | ibm_svc_vdisk |
Collections (7.0.0) details
All changes for ansible-9.0.1 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.5.0
Type | Count |
action | 1 |
callback | 1 |
inventory | 2 |
lookup | 5 |
modules | 110 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
botocore | Updated | >=1.25.0 | >=1.29.0 |
boto3 | Updated | >=1.22.0 | >=1.26.0 |
ansible.netcommon (5.3.0)
ansible.netcommon details
All changes for ansible-9.0.1 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.5.0
Type | Count |
action | 11 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 15 |
filter | 9 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
ansible.posix (1.5.4)
ansible.posix details
All changes for ansible-9.0.1 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.5.0
Type | Count |
action | 2 |
callback | 8 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 14 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
ansible.utils (2.11.0)
ansible.utils details
All changes for ansible-9.0.1 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.5.0
Type | Count |
action | 4 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 4 |
modules | 4 |
filter | 31 |
test | 25 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
---|---|---|---| (2.1.0) details
All changes for ansible-9.0.1 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.5.0
Type | Count |
action | 4 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 40 |
filter | 1 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
arista.eos (6.2.1)
arista.eos details
All changes for ansible-9.0.1 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.5.0
Type | Count |
action | 41 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 34 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
awx.awx (23.3.1)
awx.awx details
All changes for ansible-9.0.1 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.5.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 1 |
lookup | 3 |
modules | 43 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
azure.azcollection (1.19.0)
azure.azcollection details
All changes for ansible-9.0.1 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.5.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 1 |
lookup | 1 |
modules | 283 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
check_point.mgmt (5.1.1)
check_point.mgmt details
All changes for ansible-9.0.1 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.5.0
Type | Count |
action | 5 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 259 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
chocolatey.chocolatey (1.5.1)
chocolatey.chocolatey details
All changes for ansible-9.0.1 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.5.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 5 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
cisco.aci (2.8.0)
cisco.aci details
All changes for ansible-9.0.1 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.5.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 1 |
modules | 193 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
cisco.asa (4.0.3)
cisco.asa details
All changes for ansible-9.0.1 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.5.0
Type | Count |
action | 1 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 5 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
cisco.dnac (6.7.6)
cisco.dnac details
All changes for ansible-9.0.1 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.5.0
Type | Count |
action | 382 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 388 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
cisco.intersight (2.0.3)
cisco.intersight details
All changes for ansible-9.0.1 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.5.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 10 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
cisco.ios (5.2.0)
cisco.ios details
All changes for ansible-9.0.1 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.5.0
Type | Count |
action | 38 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 36 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
paramiko | Updated | ==2.8.1 | |
ansible-pylibssh | Removed | ||
cisco.iosxr (6.1.0)
cisco.iosxr details
All changes for ansible-9.0.1 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.5.0
Type | Count |
action | 33 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 32 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
cisco.ise (2.5.16)
cisco.ise details
All changes for ansible-9.0.1 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.5.0
Type | Count |
action | 383 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 383 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
cisco.meraki (2.16.14)
cisco.meraki details
All changes for ansible-9.0.1 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.5.0
Type | Count |
action | 428 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 471 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
cisco.mso (2.5.0)
cisco.mso details
All changes for ansible-9.0.1 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.5.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 68 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
cisco.nxos (5.2.1)
cisco.nxos details
All changes for ansible-9.0.1 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.5.0
Type | Count |
action | 101 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 85 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
cisco.ucs (1.10.0)
cisco.ucs details
All changes for ansible-9.0.1 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.5.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 29 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
cloud.common (2.1.4)
cloud.common details
All changes for ansible-9.0.1 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.5.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 1 |
modules | 3 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
---|---|---|---| (2.3.1) details
All changes for ansible-9.0.1 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.5.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 1 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 13 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
---|---|---|---| (7.0.0) details
All changes for ansible-9.0.1 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.5.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 1 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 159 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
botocore | Updated | >=1.25.0 | >=1.29.0 |
boto3 | Updated | >=1.22.0 | >=1.26.0 | (2.0.0) details
All changes for ansible-9.0.1 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.5.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 0 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
community.ciscosmb (1.0.7)
community.ciscosmb details
All changes for ansible-9.0.1 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.5.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 2 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
community.crypto (2.16.0)
community.crypto details
All changes for ansible-9.0.1 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.5.0
Type | Count |
action | 1 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 1 |
modules | 32 |
filter | 7 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
community.digitalocean (1.24.0)
community.digitalocean details
All changes for ansible-9.0.1 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.5.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 1 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 55 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
community.dns (2.6.3)
community.dns details
All changes for ansible-9.0.1 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.5.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 2 |
lookup | 2 |
modules | 16 |
filter | 1 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
community.docker (3.4.11)
community.docker details
All changes for ansible-9.0.1 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.5.0
Type | Count |
action | 1 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 3 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 28 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
community.general (8.0.2)
community.general details
All changes for ansible-9.0.1 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.5.0
Type | Count |
action | 2 |
callback | 25 |
inventory | 13 |
lookup | 32 |
modules | 594 |
filter | 14 |
test | 1 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
community.grafana (1.6.1)
community.grafana details
All changes for ansible-9.0.1 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.5.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 1 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 1 |
modules | 9 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
community.hashi_vault (6.0.0)
community.hashi_vault details
All changes for ansible-9.0.1 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.5.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 9 |
modules | 10 |
filter | 1 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
community.hrobot (1.8.2)
community.hrobot details
All changes for ansible-9.0.1 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.5.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 1 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 12 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
community.libvirt (1.3.0)
community.libvirt details
All changes for ansible-9.0.1 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.5.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 1 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 3 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
community.mongodb (1.6.3)
community.mongodb details
All changes for ansible-9.0.1 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.5.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 1 |
modules | 17 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
community.mysql (3.8.0)
community.mysql details
All changes for ansible-9.0.1 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.5.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 7 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
---|---|---|---| (5.0.2) details
All changes for ansible-9.0.1 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.5.0
Type | Count |
action | 13 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 1 |
modules | 315 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
ansible-pylibssh | Added | ||
community.okd (2.3.0)
community.okd details
All changes for ansible-9.0.1 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.5.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 1 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 13 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
community.postgresql (3.2.0)
community.postgresql details
All changes for ansible-9.0.1 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.5.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 23 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
community.proxysql (1.5.1)
community.proxysql details
All changes for ansible-9.0.1 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.5.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 9 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
community.rabbitmq (1.2.3)
community.rabbitmq details
All changes for ansible-9.0.1 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.5.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 1 |
modules | 14 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
community.routeros (2.10.0)
community.routeros details
All changes for ansible-9.0.1 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.5.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 7 |
filter | 1 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
---|---|---|---| (2.0.0) details
All changes for ansible-9.0.1 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.5.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 0 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
community.sap_libs (1.4.1)
community.sap_libs details
All changes for ansible-9.0.1 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.5.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 9 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
community.sops (1.6.7)
community.sops details
All changes for ansible-9.0.1 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.5.0
Type | Count |
action | 1 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 1 |
modules | 2 |
filter | 2 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
community.vmware (4.0.0)
community.vmware details
All changes for ansible-9.0.1 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.5.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 2 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 172 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
---|---|---|---| (2.0.0) details
All changes for ansible-9.0.1 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.5.0
Type | Count |
action | 1 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 1 |
modules | 85 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
community.zabbix (2.1.0)
community.zabbix details
All changes for ansible-9.0.1 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.5.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 1 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 30 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
containers.podman (1.11.0)
containers.podman details
All changes for ansible-9.0.1 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.5.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 25 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
cyberark.conjur (1.2.2)
cyberark.conjur details
All changes for ansible-9.0.1 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.5.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 1 |
modules | 0 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
cyberark.pas (1.0.23)
cyberark.pas details
All changes for ansible-9.0.1 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.5.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 4 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
dellemc.enterprise_sonic (2.2.0)
dellemc.enterprise_sonic details
All changes for ansible-9.0.1 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.5.0
Type | Count |
action | 1 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 41 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
dellemc.openmanage (8.4.0)
dellemc.openmanage details
All changes for ansible-9.0.1 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.5.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 1 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 90 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
dellemc.powerflex (2.0.1)
dellemc.powerflex details
All changes for ansible-9.0.1 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.5.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 12 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
dellemc.unity (1.7.1)
dellemc.unity details
All changes for ansible-9.0.1 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.5.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 18 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
f5networks.f5_modules (1.27.0)
f5networks.f5_modules details
All changes for ansible-9.0.1 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.5.0
Type | Count |
action | 3 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 2 |
modules | 179 |
filter | 2 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
fortinet.fortimanager (2.3.0)
fortinet.fortimanager details
All changes for ansible-9.0.1 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.5.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 1166 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
fortinet.fortios (2.3.4)
fortinet.fortios details
All changes for ansible-9.0.1 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.5.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 666 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
frr.frr (2.0.2)
frr.frr details
All changes for ansible-9.0.1 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.5.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 2 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
gluster.gluster (1.0.2)
gluster.gluster details
All changes for ansible-9.0.1 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.5.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 4 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
---|---|---|---| (1.2.0) details
All changes for ansible-9.0.1 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.5.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 1 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 170 |
filter | 1 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
grafana.grafana (2.2.3)
grafana.grafana details
All changes for ansible-9.0.1 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.5.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 8 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
hetzner.hcloud (2.3.0)
hetzner.hcloud details
All changes for ansible-9.0.1 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.5.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 1 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 31 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
ansible-core | Added | >=2.13 | |
netaddr | Added | ||
cryptography | Added | ||
python-dateutil | Added | ||
requests | Added | ||
pylint | Added | ||
antsibull-docs | Added | >=2.5.0 | |
hpe.nimble (1.1.4)
hpe.nimble details
All changes for ansible-9.0.1 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.5.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 22 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
ibm.qradar (2.1.0)
ibm.qradar details
All changes for ansible-9.0.1 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.5.0
Type | Count |
action | 2 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 16 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
ibm.spectrum_virtualize (2.0.0)
ibm.spectrum_virtualize details
All changes for ansible-9.0.1 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.5.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 43 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
ibm.storage_virtualize (2.1.0)
ibm.storage_virtualize details
All changes for ansible-9.0.1 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.5.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 46 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
infinidat.infinibox (1.3.12)
infinidat.infinibox details
All changes for ansible-9.0.1 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.5.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 11 |
filter | 1 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
infoblox.nios_modules (1.5.0)
infoblox.nios_modules details
All changes for ansible-9.0.1 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.5.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 1 |
lookup | 3 |
modules | 21 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
inspur.ispim (2.1.0)
inspur.ispim details
All changes for ansible-9.0.1 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.5.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 128 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
---|---|---|---| (2.3.0) details
All changes for ansible-9.0.1 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.5.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 137 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
junipernetworks.junos (5.3.0)
junipernetworks.junos details
All changes for ansible-9.0.1 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.5.0
Type | Count |
action | 1 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 40 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
kubernetes.core (2.4.0)
kubernetes.core details
All changes for ansible-9.0.1 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.5.0
Type | Count |
action | 16 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 1 |
lookup | 2 |
modules | 19 |
filter | 1 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
lowlydba.sqlserver (2.2.2)
lowlydba.sqlserver details
All changes for ansible-9.0.1 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.5.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 30 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
---|---|---|---| (1.3.0) details
All changes for ansible-9.0.1 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.5.0
Type | Count |
action | 4 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 1 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 11 |
filter | 1 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
---|---|---|---| (21.7.1) details
All changes for ansible-9.0.1 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.5.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 4 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
---|---|---|---| (21.10.1) details
All changes for ansible-9.0.1 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.5.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 4 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
netapp.cloudmanager (21.22.1)
netapp.cloudmanager details
All changes for ansible-9.0.1 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.5.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 13 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
netapp.elementsw (21.7.0)
netapp.elementsw details
All changes for ansible-9.0.1 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.5.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 24 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
netapp.ontap (22.8.2)
netapp.ontap details
All changes for ansible-9.0.1 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.5.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 150 |
filter | 1 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
netapp.storagegrid (21.11.1)
netapp.storagegrid details
All changes for ansible-9.0.1 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.5.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 19 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
netapp.um_info (21.8.1)
netapp.um_info details
All changes for ansible-9.0.1 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.5.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 10 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
netapp_eseries.santricity (1.4.0)
netapp_eseries.santricity details
All changes for ansible-9.0.1 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.5.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 5 |
modules | 55 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
netbox.netbox (3.15.0)
netbox.netbox details
All changes for ansible-9.0.1 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.5.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 1 |
lookup | 1 |
modules | 77 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
ngine_io.cloudstack (2.3.0)
ngine_io.cloudstack details
All changes for ansible-9.0.1 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.5.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 1 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 53 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
ngine_io.exoscale (1.1.0)
ngine_io.exoscale details
All changes for ansible-9.0.1 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.5.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 3 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
---|---|---|---| (2.1.0) details
All changes for ansible-9.0.1 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.5.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 1 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 87 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
openvswitch.openvswitch (2.1.1)
openvswitch.openvswitch details
All changes for ansible-9.0.1 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.5.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 4 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
ovirt.ovirt (3.2.0)
ovirt.ovirt details
All changes for ansible-9.0.1 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.5.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 1 |
inventory | 1 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 58 |
filter | 4 |
test | 1 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
purestorage.flasharray (1.22.0)
purestorage.flasharray details
All changes for ansible-9.0.1 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.5.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 59 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
purestorage.flashblade (1.14.0)
purestorage.flashblade details
All changes for ansible-9.0.1 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.5.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 47 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
purestorage.fusion (1.6.0)
purestorage.fusion details
All changes for ansible-9.0.1 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.5.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 19 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
sensu.sensu_go (1.14.0)
sensu.sensu_go details
All changes for ansible-9.0.1 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.5.0
Type | Count |
action | 1 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 51 |
filter | 2 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
---|---|---|---| (2.1.0) details
All changes for ansible-9.0.1 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.5.0
Type | Count |
action | 4 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 14 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
t_systems_mms.icinga_director (2.0.1)
t_systems_mms.icinga_director details
All changes for ansible-9.0.1 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.5.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 1 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 40 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
telekom_mms.icinga_director (1.34.1)
telekom_mms.icinga_director details
All changes for ansible-9.0.1 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.5.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 1 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 40 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
theforeman.foreman (3.14.0)
theforeman.foreman details
All changes for ansible-9.0.1 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.5.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 1 |
inventory | 1 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 81 |
filter | 1 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
vmware.vmware_rest (2.3.1)
vmware.vmware_rest details
All changes for ansible-9.0.1 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.5.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 8 |
modules | 132 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
---|---|---|---| (1.10.0) details
All changes for ansible-9.0.1 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.5.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 1 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 30 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
vyos.vyos (4.1.0)
vyos.vyos details
All changes for ansible-9.0.1 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.5.0
Type | Count |
action | 36 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 29 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
wti.remote (1.0.5)
wti.remote details
All changes for ansible-9.0.1 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.5.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 32 |
modules | 30 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
All changes compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.3.0
Version Changes
Collection | Old Version | New Version |
---|---|---| | 6.3.0 | 6.5.0 |
ansible.netcommon | 5.1.2 | 5.2.0 |
ansible.utils | 2.10.3 | 2.11.0 |
arista.eos | 6.0.1 | 6.1.2 |
awx.awx | 22.6.0 | 22.7.0 |
azure.azcollection | 1.16.0 | 1.18.1 |
cisco.asa | 4.0.1 | 4.0.2 |
cisco.dnac | 6.7.3 | 6.7.5 |
cisco.ise | 2.5.14 | 2.5.16 |
cisco.meraki | 2.15.3 | 2.16.5 | | 6.2.0 | 6.3.0 |
community.crypto | 2.15.0 | 2.15.1 |
community.dns | 2.6.0 | 2.6.2 |
community.docker | 3.4.8 | 3.4.9 |
community.general | 7.3.0 | 7.5.0 |
community.libvirt | 1.2.0 | 1.3.0 |
community.mongodb | 1.6.1 | 1.6.3 |
community.routeros | 2.9.0 | 2.10.0 |
community.sops | 1.6.4 | 1.6.6 |
community.vmware | 3.9.0 | 3.10.0 |
containers.podman | 1.10.2 | 1.10.3 |
cyberark.conjur | 1.2.0 | 1.2.2 |
cyberark.pas | 1.0.19 | 1.0.23 |
dellemc.powerflex | 1.7.0 | 1.9.0 |
f5networks.f5_modules | 1.25.1 | 1.26.0 |
fortinet.fortios | 2.3.1 | 2.3.2 |
grafana.grafana | 2.1.5 | 2.2.3 |
junipernetworks.junos | 5.2.0 | 5.3.0 |
lowlydba.sqlserver | 2.1.0 | 2.2.1 |
netbox.netbox | 3.13.0 | 3.14.0 |
ngine_io.exoscale | 1.0.0 | 1.1.0 |
ovirt.ovirt | 3.1.2 | 3.2.0 |
purestorage.flasharray | 1.20.0 | 1.21.0 |
purestorage.flashblade | 1.12.1 | 1.14.0 |
theforeman.foreman | 3.12.0 | 3.14.0 | | 1.8.0 | 1.10.0 |
Modules Added
Collection | Module |
---|---| | ec2_key_info |
azure.azcollection | azure_rm_batchaccount_info |
cisco.meraki | administered_identities_me_info |
cisco.meraki | devices |
cisco.meraki | devices_appliance_performance_info |
cisco.meraki | devices_appliance_uplinks_settings |
cisco.meraki | devices_appliance_uplinks_settings_info |
cisco.meraki | devices_appliance_vmx_authentication_token |
cisco.meraki | devices_blink_leds |
cisco.meraki | devices_camera_analytics_live_info |
cisco.meraki | devices_camera_custom_analytics |
cisco.meraki | devices_camera_custom_analytics_info |
cisco.meraki | devices_camera_generate_snapshot |
cisco.meraki | devices_camera_quality_and_retention |
cisco.meraki | devices_camera_quality_and_retention_info |
cisco.meraki | devices_camera_sense |
cisco.meraki | devices_camera_sense_info |
cisco.meraki | devices_camera_video_link_info |
cisco.meraki | devices_camera_video_settings |
cisco.meraki | devices_camera_video_settings_info |
cisco.meraki | devices_camera_wireless_profiles |
cisco.meraki | devices_camera_wireless_profiles_info |
cisco.meraki | devices_cellular_gateway_lan |
cisco.meraki | devices_cellular_gateway_lan_info |
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cisco.meraki | devices_cellular_gateway_port_forwarding_rules_info |
cisco.meraki | devices_cellular_sims |
cisco.meraki | devices_cellular_sims_info |
cisco.meraki | devices_info |
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cisco.meraki | devices_live_tools_ping_device |
cisco.meraki | devices_live_tools_ping_device_info |
cisco.meraki | devices_live_tools_ping_info |
cisco.meraki | devices_lldp_cdp_info |
cisco.meraki | devices_management_interface |
cisco.meraki | devices_management_interface_info |
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cisco.meraki | devices_sensor_relationships_info |
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cisco.meraki | devices_switch_routing_interfaces_dhcp_info |
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cisco.meraki | devices_wireless_status_info |
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cisco.meraki | networks_appliance_firewall_firewalled_services |
cisco.meraki | networks_appliance_firewall_firewalled_services_info |
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cisco.meraki | networks_appliance_firewall_inbound_firewall_rules_info |
cisco.meraki | networks_appliance_firewall_l3_firewall_rules |
cisco.meraki | networks_appliance_firewall_l3_firewall_rules_info |
cisco.meraki | networks_appliance_firewall_l7_firewall_rules |
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cisco.meraki | networks_appliance_firewall_l7_firewall_rules_info |
cisco.meraki | networks_appliance_firewall_one_to_many_nat_rules |
cisco.meraki | networks_appliance_firewall_one_to_many_nat_rules_info |
cisco.meraki | networks_appliance_firewall_one_to_one_nat_rules |
cisco.meraki | networks_appliance_firewall_one_to_one_nat_rules_info |
cisco.meraki | networks_appliance_firewall_port_forwarding_rules |
cisco.meraki | networks_appliance_firewall_port_forwarding_rules_info |
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cisco.meraki | networks_appliance_firewall_settings_info |
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cisco.meraki | networks_appliance_prefixes_delegated_statics |
cisco.meraki | networks_appliance_prefixes_delegated_statics_info |
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cisco.meraki | networks_appliance_security_intrusion_info |
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cisco.meraki | networks_appliance_security_malware_info |
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cisco.meraki | networks_appliance_single_lan_info |
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cisco.meraki | networks_appliance_ssids_info |
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cisco.meraki | networks_appliance_static_routes_info |
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cisco.meraki | networks_appliance_traffic_shaping_rules_info |
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cisco.meraki | networks_appliance_traffic_shaping_uplink_selection |
cisco.meraki | networks_appliance_traffic_shaping_uplink_selection_info |
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cisco.meraki | networks_appliance_vlans_info |
cisco.meraki | networks_appliance_vlans_settings |
cisco.meraki | networks_appliance_vlans_settings_info |
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cisco.meraki | networks_appliance_vpn_bgp_info |
cisco.meraki | networks_appliance_vpn_site_to_site_vpn |
cisco.meraki | networks_appliance_vpn_site_to_site_vpn_info |
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cisco.meraki | networks_appliance_warm_spare_info |
cisco.meraki | networks_appliance_warm_spare_swap |
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cisco.meraki | networks_camera_quality_retention_profiles_info |
cisco.meraki | networks_camera_wireless_profiles |
cisco.meraki | networks_camera_wireless_profiles_info |
cisco.meraki | networks_cellular_gateway_connectivity_monitoring_destinations |
cisco.meraki | networks_cellular_gateway_connectivity_monitoring_destinations_info |
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cisco.meraki | networks_cellular_gateway_dhcp_info |
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cisco.meraki | networks_cellular_gateway_subnet_pool_info |
cisco.meraki | networks_cellular_gateway_uplink |
cisco.meraki | networks_cellular_gateway_uplink_info |
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cisco.meraki | networks_clients_splash_authorization_status_info |
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cisco.meraki | networks_firmware_upgrades_staged_events_defer |
cisco.meraki | networks_firmware_upgrades_staged_events_info |
cisco.meraki | networks_firmware_upgrades_staged_events_rollbacks |
cisco.meraki | networks_firmware_upgrades_staged_groups |
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cisco.meraki | networks_firmware_upgrades_staged_stages |
cisco.meraki | networks_firmware_upgrades_staged_stages_info |
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cisco.meraki | networks_floor_plans_info |
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cisco.meraki | networks_sm_users_softwares_info |
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cisco.meraki | networks_snmp_info |
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cisco.meraki | networks_switch_dhcp_server_policy_arp_inspection_warnings_by_device_info |
cisco.meraki | networks_switch_dhcp_server_policy_info |
cisco.meraki | networks_switch_dhcp_v4_servers_seen_info |
cisco.meraki | networks_switch_dscp_to_cos_mappings |
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cisco.meraki | networks_switch_routing_multicast_rendezvous_points_info |
cisco.meraki | networks_switch_routing_ospf |
cisco.meraki | networks_switch_routing_ospf_info |
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cisco.meraki | networks_switch_settings_info |
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cisco.meraki | networks_switch_stacks_routing_interfaces_info |
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cisco.meraki | networks_switch_stp_info |
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cisco.meraki | networks_wireless_rf_profiles_info |
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cisco.meraki | networks_wireless_settings_info |
cisco.meraki | networks_wireless_signal_quality_history_info |
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cisco.meraki | networks_wireless_ssids_firewall_l7_firewall_rules_info |
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cisco.meraki | networks_wireless_ssids_hotspot20_info |
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cisco.meraki | networks_wireless_ssids_identity_psks_info |
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cisco.meraki | networks_wireless_ssids_schedules_info |
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cisco.meraki | networks_wireless_ssids_splash_settings_info |
cisco.meraki | networks_wireless_ssids_traffic_shaping_rules |
cisco.meraki | networks_wireless_ssids_traffic_shaping_rules_info |
cisco.meraki | networks_wireless_ssids_vpn |
cisco.meraki | networks_wireless_ssids_vpn_info |
cisco.meraki | networks_wireless_usage_history_info |
cisco.meraki | organizations |
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cisco.meraki | organizations_action_batches_info |
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cisco.meraki | organizations_adaptive_policy_overview_info |
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cisco.meraki | organizations_adaptive_policy_policies_info |
cisco.meraki | organizations_adaptive_policy_settings |
cisco.meraki | organizations_adaptive_policy_settings_info |
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cisco.meraki | organizations_api_requests_overview_response_codes_by_interval_info |
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cisco.meraki | organizations_branding_policies_priorities_info |
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cisco.meraki | organizations_camera_custom_analytics_artifacts_info |
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cisco.meraki | organizations_config_templates_switch_profiles_ports_info |
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cisco.meraki | organizations_early_access_features_opt_ins_info |
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cisco.meraki | organizations_firmware_upgrades_info |
cisco.meraki | organizations_info |
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cisco.meraki | organizations_inventory_onboarding_cloud_monitoring_prepare |
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cisco.meraki | organizations_licensing_coterm_licenses_move |
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cisco.meraki | organizations_policy_objects_groups_info |
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cisco.meraki | organizations_saml_idps_info |
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cisco.meraki | organizations_saml_roles_info |
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cisco.meraki | organizations_sensor_readings_latest_info |
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cisco.meraki | organizations_summary_top_clients_manufacturers_by_usage_info |
cisco.meraki | organizations_summary_top_devices_by_usage_info |
cisco.meraki | organizations_summary_top_devices_models_by_usage_info |
cisco.meraki | organizations_summary_top_ssids_by_usage_info |
cisco.meraki | organizations_summary_top_switches_by_energy_usage_info |
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cisco.meraki | organizations_switch_ports_by_switch_info |
cisco.meraki | organizations_uplinks_statuses_info |
cisco.meraki | organizations_users |
cisco.meraki | organizations_webhooks_logs_info |
cisco.meraki | organizations_wireless_devices_ethernet_statuses_info | | route53_wait |
community.general | consul_role |
community.general | gio_mime |
community.general | jenkins_build_info |
community.general | keycloak_authz_custom_policy |
community.general | keycloak_realm_key |
community.general | pnpm |
community.general | simpleinit_msb |
community.vmware | vcenter_root_password_expiration |
community.vmware | vmware_host_graphics |
ngine_io.exoscale | instance_rdns_record |
theforeman.foreman | smart_class_parameter_override_value |
theforeman.foreman | wait_for_task | | bare_metal | | vpc2 | | vpc2_info |
Modules Removed
Collection | Module |
community.mongodb | mongodb_monitoring |
Collections (6.5.0) details
All changes for ansible-8.5.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.3.0
Type | Count |
action | 1 |
callback | 1 |
inventory | 2 |
lookup | 5 |
modules | 96 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
ansible.netcommon (5.2.0)
ansible.netcommon details
All changes for ansible-8.5.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.3.0
Type | Count |
action | 10 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 14 |
filter | 9 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
ansible.posix (1.5.4)
ansible.posix details
All changes for ansible-8.5.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.3.0
Type | Count |
action | 2 |
callback | 8 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 14 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
ansible.utils (2.11.0)
ansible.utils details
All changes for ansible-8.5.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.3.0
Type | Count |
action | 4 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 4 |
modules | 4 |
filter | 31 |
test | 25 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
---|---|---|---| (1.14.0) details
All changes for ansible-8.5.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.3.0
Type | Count |
action | 4 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 40 |
filter | 1 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
arista.eos (6.1.2)
arista.eos details
All changes for ansible-8.5.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.3.0
Type | Count |
action | 41 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 34 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
awx.awx (22.7.0)
awx.awx details
All changes for ansible-8.5.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.3.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 1 |
lookup | 3 |
modules | 43 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
azure.azcollection (1.18.1)
azure.azcollection details
All changes for ansible-8.5.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.3.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 1 |
lookup | 1 |
modules | 283 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
azure-mgmt-batch | Updated | ==5.0.1 | ==16.2.0 |
azure-keyvault | Updated | ==1.1.0 | ==4.2.0 |
msal | Added | ==1.23.0 | |
azure-core | Added | ==1.28.0 | |
azure-iot-hub | Added | ==2.6.1 | |
check_point.mgmt (5.1.1)
check_point.mgmt details
All changes for ansible-8.5.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.3.0
Type | Count |
action | 5 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 259 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
chocolatey.chocolatey (1.5.1)
chocolatey.chocolatey details
All changes for ansible-8.5.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.3.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 5 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
cisco.aci (2.7.0)
cisco.aci details
All changes for ansible-8.5.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.3.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 1 |
modules | 173 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
cisco.asa (4.0.2)
cisco.asa details
All changes for ansible-8.5.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.3.0
Type | Count |
action | 1 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 5 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
cisco.dnac (6.7.5)
cisco.dnac details
All changes for ansible-8.5.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.3.0
Type | Count |
action | 382 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 387 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
cisco.intersight (1.0.27)
cisco.intersight details
All changes for ansible-8.5.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.3.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 9 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
cisco.ios (4.6.1)
cisco.ios details
All changes for ansible-8.5.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.3.0
Type | Count |
action | 38 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 37 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
cisco.iosxr (5.0.3)
cisco.iosxr details
All changes for ansible-8.5.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.3.0
Type | Count |
action | 33 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 32 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
cisco.ise (2.5.16)
cisco.ise details
All changes for ansible-8.5.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.3.0
Type | Count |
action | 383 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 383 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
cisco.meraki (2.16.5)
cisco.meraki details
All changes for ansible-8.5.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.3.0
Type | Count |
action | 428 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 471 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
meraki | Added | >=1.33.0 | |
cisco.mso (2.5.0)
cisco.mso details
All changes for ansible-8.5.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.3.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 68 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
cisco.nso (1.0.3)
cisco.nso details
All changes for ansible-8.5.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.3.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 5 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
cisco.nxos (4.4.0)
cisco.nxos details
All changes for ansible-8.5.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.3.0
Type | Count |
action | 101 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 87 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
cisco.ucs (1.10.0)
cisco.ucs details
All changes for ansible-8.5.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.3.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 29 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
cloud.common (2.1.4)
cloud.common details
All changes for ansible-8.5.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.3.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 1 |
modules | 3 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
---|---|---|---| (2.3.1) details
All changes for ansible-8.5.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.3.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 1 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 13 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
---|---|---|---| (6.3.0) details
All changes for ansible-8.5.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.3.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 1 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 170 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
---|---|---|---| (2.0.0) details
All changes for ansible-8.5.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.3.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 0 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
community.ciscosmb (1.0.6)
community.ciscosmb details
All changes for ansible-8.5.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.3.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 2 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
community.crypto (2.15.1)
community.crypto details
All changes for ansible-8.5.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.3.0
Type | Count |
action | 1 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 1 |
modules | 32 |
filter | 7 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
community.digitalocean (1.24.0)
community.digitalocean details
All changes for ansible-8.5.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.3.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 1 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 55 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
community.dns (2.6.2)
community.dns details
All changes for ansible-8.5.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.3.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 2 |
lookup | 2 |
modules | 16 |
filter | 1 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
community.docker (3.4.9)
community.docker details
All changes for ansible-8.5.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.3.0
Type | Count |
action | 1 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 3 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 28 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
community.fortios (1.0.0)
community.fortios details
All changes for ansible-8.5.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.3.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 28 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
community.general (7.5.0)
community.general details
All changes for ansible-8.5.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.3.0
Type | Count |
action | 2 |
callback | 25 |
inventory | 13 |
lookup | 32 |
modules | 593 |
filter | 14 |
test | 1 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
---|---|---|---| (1.0.0) details
All changes for ansible-8.5.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.3.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 1 |
modules | 13 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
community.grafana (1.5.4)
community.grafana details
All changes for ansible-8.5.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.3.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 1 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 1 |
modules | 8 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
community.hashi_vault (5.0.0)
community.hashi_vault details
All changes for ansible-8.5.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.3.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 9 |
modules | 10 |
filter | 1 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
community.hrobot (1.8.1)
community.hrobot details
All changes for ansible-8.5.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.3.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 1 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 12 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
community.libvirt (1.3.0)
community.libvirt details
All changes for ansible-8.5.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.3.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 1 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 3 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
community.mongodb (1.6.3)
community.mongodb details
All changes for ansible-8.5.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.3.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 1 |
modules | 17 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
community.mysql (3.7.2)
community.mysql details
All changes for ansible-8.5.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.3.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 7 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
---|---|---|---| (5.0.0) details
All changes for ansible-8.5.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.3.0
Type | Count |
action | 13 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 1 |
modules | 315 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
community.okd (2.3.0)
community.okd details
All changes for ansible-8.5.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.3.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 1 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 13 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
community.postgresql (2.4.3)
community.postgresql details
All changes for ansible-8.5.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.3.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 23 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
community.proxysql (1.5.1)
community.proxysql details
All changes for ansible-8.5.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.3.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 9 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
community.rabbitmq (1.2.3)
community.rabbitmq details
All changes for ansible-8.5.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.3.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 1 |
modules | 14 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
community.routeros (2.10.0)
community.routeros details
All changes for ansible-8.5.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.3.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 7 |
filter | 1 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
---|---|---|---| (1.0.0) details
All changes for ansible-8.5.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.3.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 7 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
community.sap_libs (1.4.1)
community.sap_libs details
All changes for ansible-8.5.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.3.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 9 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
community.skydive (1.0.0)
community.skydive details
All changes for ansible-8.5.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.3.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 1 |
modules | 3 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
community.sops (1.6.6)
community.sops details
All changes for ansible-8.5.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.3.0
Type | Count |
action | 1 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 1 |
modules | 2 |
filter | 2 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
community.vmware (3.10.0)
community.vmware details
All changes for ansible-8.5.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.3.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 2 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 171 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
---|---|---|---| (1.13.0) details
All changes for ansible-8.5.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.3.0
Type | Count |
action | 1 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 1 |
modules | 85 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
community.zabbix (2.1.0)
community.zabbix details
All changes for ansible-8.5.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.3.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 1 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 30 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
containers.podman (1.10.3)
containers.podman details
All changes for ansible-8.5.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.3.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 23 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
cyberark.conjur (1.2.2)
cyberark.conjur details
All changes for ansible-8.5.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.3.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 1 |
modules | 0 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
cyberark.pas (1.0.23)
cyberark.pas details
All changes for ansible-8.5.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.3.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 4 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
dellemc.enterprise_sonic (2.2.0)
dellemc.enterprise_sonic details
All changes for ansible-8.5.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.3.0
Type | Count |
action | 1 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 41 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
dellemc.openmanage (7.6.1)
dellemc.openmanage details
All changes for ansible-8.5.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.3.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 1 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 85 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
dellemc.powerflex (1.9.0)
dellemc.powerflex details
All changes for ansible-8.5.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.3.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 12 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
python-dateutil | Updated | >=2.8.0 | >=2.8.2 |
requests | Removed | >=2.23.0 | |
setuptools | Removed | ||
dellemc.unity (1.7.1)
dellemc.unity details
All changes for ansible-8.5.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.3.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 18 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
f5networks.f5_modules (1.26.0)
f5networks.f5_modules details
All changes for ansible-8.5.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.3.0
Type | Count |
action | 3 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 2 |
modules | 179 |
filter | 2 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
fortinet.fortimanager (2.2.1)
fortinet.fortimanager details
All changes for ansible-8.5.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.3.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 1133 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
fortinet.fortios (2.3.2)
fortinet.fortios details
All changes for ansible-8.5.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.3.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 658 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
frr.frr (2.0.2)
frr.frr details
All changes for ansible-8.5.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.3.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 2 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
gluster.gluster (1.0.2)
gluster.gluster details
All changes for ansible-8.5.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.3.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 4 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
---|---|---|---| (1.2.0) details
All changes for ansible-8.5.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.3.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 1 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 170 |
filter | 1 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
grafana.grafana (2.2.3)
grafana.grafana details
All changes for ansible-8.5.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.3.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 8 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
hetzner.hcloud (1.16.0)
hetzner.hcloud details
All changes for ansible-8.5.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.3.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 1 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 39 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
hpe.nimble (1.1.4)
hpe.nimble details
All changes for ansible-8.5.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.3.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 22 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
ibm.qradar (2.1.0)
ibm.qradar details
All changes for ansible-8.5.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.3.0
Type | Count |
action | 2 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 16 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
ibm.spectrum_virtualize (1.12.0)
ibm.spectrum_virtualize details
All changes for ansible-8.5.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.3.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 44 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
infinidat.infinibox (1.3.12)
infinidat.infinibox details
All changes for ansible-8.5.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.3.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 11 |
filter | 1 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
infoblox.nios_modules (1.5.0)
infoblox.nios_modules details
All changes for ansible-8.5.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.3.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 1 |
lookup | 3 |
modules | 21 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
inspur.ispim (1.3.0)
inspur.ispim details
All changes for ansible-8.5.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.3.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 126 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
---|---|---|---| (2.3.0) details
All changes for ansible-8.5.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.3.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 137 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
junipernetworks.junos (5.3.0)
junipernetworks.junos details
All changes for ansible-8.5.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.3.0
Type | Count |
action | 1 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 40 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
kubernetes.core (2.4.0)
kubernetes.core details
All changes for ansible-8.5.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.3.0
Type | Count |
action | 16 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 1 |
lookup | 2 |
modules | 19 |
filter | 1 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
lowlydba.sqlserver (2.2.1)
lowlydba.sqlserver details
All changes for ansible-8.5.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.3.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 30 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
---|---|---|---| (1.3.0) details
All changes for ansible-8.5.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.3.0
Type | Count |
action | 4 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 1 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 11 |
filter | 1 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
---|---|---|---| (21.7.0) details
All changes for ansible-8.5.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.3.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 4 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
---|---|---|---| (21.10.0) details
All changes for ansible-8.5.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.3.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 4 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
netapp.cloudmanager (21.22.0)
netapp.cloudmanager details
All changes for ansible-8.5.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.3.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 13 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
netapp.elementsw (21.7.0)
netapp.elementsw details
All changes for ansible-8.5.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.3.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 24 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
netapp.ontap (22.7.0)
netapp.ontap details
All changes for ansible-8.5.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.3.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 149 |
filter | 1 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
netapp.storagegrid (21.11.1)
netapp.storagegrid details
All changes for ansible-8.5.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.3.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 19 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
netapp.um_info (21.8.0)
netapp.um_info details
All changes for ansible-8.5.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.3.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 10 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
netapp_eseries.santricity (1.4.0)
netapp_eseries.santricity details
All changes for ansible-8.5.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.3.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 5 |
modules | 55 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
netbox.netbox (3.14.0)
netbox.netbox details
All changes for ansible-8.5.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.3.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 1 |
lookup | 1 |
modules | 76 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
ngine_io.cloudstack (2.3.0)
ngine_io.cloudstack details
All changes for ansible-8.5.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.3.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 1 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 53 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
ngine_io.exoscale (1.1.0)
ngine_io.exoscale details
All changes for ansible-8.5.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.3.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 3 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
ngine_io.vultr (1.1.3)
ngine_io.vultr details
All changes for ansible-8.5.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.3.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 1 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 24 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
---|---|---|---| (2.1.0) details
All changes for ansible-8.5.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.3.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 1 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 87 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
openvswitch.openvswitch (2.1.1)
openvswitch.openvswitch details
All changes for ansible-8.5.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.3.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 4 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
ovirt.ovirt (3.2.0)
ovirt.ovirt details
All changes for ansible-8.5.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.3.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 1 |
inventory | 1 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 58 |
filter | 4 |
test | 1 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
purestorage.flasharray (1.21.0)
purestorage.flasharray details
All changes for ansible-8.5.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.3.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 58 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
purestorage.flashblade (1.14.0)
purestorage.flashblade details
All changes for ansible-8.5.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.3.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 47 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
purestorage.fusion (1.6.0)
purestorage.fusion details
All changes for ansible-8.5.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.3.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 19 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
sensu.sensu_go (1.14.0)
sensu.sensu_go details
All changes for ansible-8.5.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.3.0
Type | Count |
action | 1 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 51 |
filter | 2 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
---|---|---|---| (2.1.0) details
All changes for ansible-8.5.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.3.0
Type | Count |
action | 4 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 14 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
t_systems_mms.icinga_director (1.33.1)
t_systems_mms.icinga_director details
All changes for ansible-8.5.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.3.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 1 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 40 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
telekom_mms.icinga_director (1.34.1)
telekom_mms.icinga_director details
All changes for ansible-8.5.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.3.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 1 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 40 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
theforeman.foreman (3.14.0)
theforeman.foreman details
All changes for ansible-8.5.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.3.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 1 |
inventory | 1 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 81 |
filter | 1 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
vmware.vmware_rest (2.3.1)
vmware.vmware_rest details
All changes for ansible-8.5.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.3.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 8 |
modules | 132 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
---|---|---|---| (1.10.0) details
All changes for ansible-8.5.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.3.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 1 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 30 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
vyos.vyos (4.1.0)
vyos.vyos details
All changes for ansible-8.5.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.3.0
Type | Count |
action | 36 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 29 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
wti.remote (1.0.5)
wti.remote details
All changes for ansible-8.5.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.3.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 32 |
modules | 30 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
All changes compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.0.0
Version Changes
Collection | Old Version | New Version |
---|---|---| | 6.0.1 | 6.3.0 |
ansible.netcommon | 5.1.1 | 5.1.2 |
awx.awx | 22.3.0 | 22.6.0 |
azure.azcollection | 1.15.0 | 1.16.0 |
chocolatey.chocolatey | 1.4.0 | 1.5.1 |
cisco.aci | 2.6.0 | 2.7.0 |
cisco.asa | 4.0.0 | 4.0.1 |
cisco.dnac | 6.7.2 | 6.7.3 |
cisco.ios | 4.5.0 | 4.6.1 |
cisco.ise | 2.5.12 | 2.5.14 |
cisco.meraki | 2.15.1 | 2.15.3 |
cisco.mso | 2.4.0 | 2.5.0 |
cisco.ucs | 1.8.0 | 1.10.0 |
cloud.common | 2.1.3 | 2.1.4 | | 2.2.4 | 2.3.1 | | 6.0.0 | 6.2.0 |
community.crypto | 2.13.1 | 2.15.0 |
community.digitalocean | 1.23.0 | 1.24.0 |
community.dns | 2.5.4 | 2.6.0 |
community.docker | 3.4.6 | 3.4.8 |
community.general | 7.0.1 | 7.3.0 |
community.hrobot | 1.8.0 | 1.8.1 |
community.mongodb | 1.5.2 | 1.6.1 |
community.postgresql | 2.4.1 | 2.4.3 |
community.routeros | 2.8.0 | 2.9.0 |
community.sops | 1.6.1 | 1.6.4 |
community.vmware | 3.6.0 | 3.9.0 |
community.zabbix | 2.0.1 | 2.1.0 |
containers.podman | 1.10.1 | 1.10.2 |
dellemc.enterprise_sonic | 2.0.0 | 2.2.0 |
dellemc.openmanage | 7.6.0 | 7.6.1 |
dellemc.powerflex | 1.6.0 | 1.7.0 |
dellemc.unity | 1.6.0 | 1.7.1 |
f5networks.f5_modules | 1.24.0 | 1.25.1 |
fortinet.fortimanager | 2.1.7 | 2.2.1 |
fortinet.fortios | 2.3.0 | 2.3.1 | | 1.1.3 | 1.2.0 |
grafana.grafana | 2.0.0 | 2.1.5 |
hetzner.hcloud | 1.11.0 | 1.16.0 |
junipernetworks.junos | 5.1.0 | 5.2.0 |
lowlydba.sqlserver | 2.0.0 | 2.1.0 | | 1.1.0 | 1.3.0 |
netapp.ontap | 22.6.0 | 22.7.0 |
purestorage.flasharray | 1.19.1 | 1.20.0 |
purestorage.flashblade | 1.11.0 | 1.12.1 |
purestorage.fusion | 1.4.2 | 1.6.0 |
sensu.sensu_go | 1.13.2 | 1.14.0 |
t_systems_mms.icinga_director | 1.33.0 | 1.33.1 |
theforeman.foreman | 3.10.0 | 3.12.0 |
wti.remote | 1.0.4 | 1.0.5 |
Modules Added
Collection | Module |
---|---| | iam_instance_profile | | iam_instance_profile_info |
azure.azcollection | azure_rm_vmssnetworkinterface_info |
cisco.aci | aci_access_span_src_group |
cisco.aci | aci_access_span_src_group_src |
cisco.aci | aci_access_span_src_group_src_path |
cisco.aci | aci_epg_subnet |
cisco.aci | aci_fabric_span_dst_group |
cisco.aci | aci_fabric_span_src_group |
cisco.aci | aci_fabric_span_src_group_src |
cisco.aci | aci_fabric_span_src_group_src_node |
cisco.aci | aci_fabric_span_src_group_src_path |
cisco.aci | aci_file_remote_path |
cisco.aci | aci_vrf_leak_internal_subnet |
cisco.ios | ios_service |
cisco.mso | mso_schema_site_anp_epg_useg_attribute |
cisco.mso | mso_schema_template_anp_epg_useg_attribute | | load_balancer | | load_balancer_health_monitor | | load_balancer_listener | | load_balancer_pool | | load_balancer_pool_member | | api_gateway_info |
community.dns | nameserver_info |
community.dns | nameserver_record_info |
community.general | consul_policy |
community.general | gitlab_instance_variable |
community.general | gitlab_merge_request |
community.general | keycloak_authentication_required_actions |
community.general | keycloak_authz_permission |
community.general | keycloak_authz_permission_info |
community.general | keycloak_user |
community.general | lvg_rename |
community.general | proxmox_pool |
community.general | proxmox_pool_member |
community.general | proxmox_vm_info |
community.vmware | vmware_cluster_drs_recommendations |
community.vmware | vmware_vasa |
community.vmware | vmware_vasa_info |
community.vmware | vmware_vsan_release_catalog |
community.zabbix | zabbix_regexp |
community.zabbix | zabbix_settings |
community.zabbix | zabbix_token |
containers.podman | podman_prune |
dellemc.enterprise_sonic | sonic_acl_interfaces |
dellemc.enterprise_sonic | sonic_bfd |
dellemc.enterprise_sonic | sonic_copp |
dellemc.enterprise_sonic | sonic_dhcp_relay |
dellemc.enterprise_sonic | sonic_ip_neighbor |
dellemc.enterprise_sonic | sonic_l2_acls |
dellemc.enterprise_sonic | sonic_l3_acls |
dellemc.enterprise_sonic | sonic_lldp_global |
dellemc.enterprise_sonic | sonic_logging |
dellemc.enterprise_sonic | sonic_mac |
dellemc.enterprise_sonic | sonic_port_group |
dellemc.enterprise_sonic | sonic_route_maps |
dellemc.enterprise_sonic | sonic_vlan_mapping |
dellemc.powerflex | snapshot_policy |
dellemc.unity | replication_session |
f5networks.f5_modules | bigip_provision_async |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_application_casi_profile |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_application_casi_profile_entries |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_application_internetservice |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_application_internetservice_entry |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_application_internetservicecustom |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_application_internetservicecustom_disableentry |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_application_internetservicecustom_disableentry_iprange |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_application_internetservicecustom_entry |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_application_internetservicecustom_entry_portrange |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_cloud_orchestaws |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_cloud_orchestawsconnector |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_cloud_orchestawstemplate_autoscaleexistingvpc |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_cloud_orchestawstemplate_autoscalenewvpc |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_cloud_orchestawstemplate_autoscaletgwnewvpc |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_cloud_orchestration |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_devprof_log_syslogd_filter_excludelist |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_devprof_log_syslogd_filter_excludelist_fields |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_devprof_log_syslogd_filter_freestyle |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_devprof_log_syslogd_setting_customfieldname |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_dnsfilter_profile_urlfilter |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_dnsfilter_urlfilter |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_dnsfilter_urlfilter_entries |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_emailfilter_profile_yahoomail |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_extensioncontroller_dataplan |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_extensioncontroller_extenderprofile |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_extensioncontroller_extenderprofile_cellular |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_extensioncontroller_extenderprofile_cellular_controllerreport |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_extensioncontroller_extenderprofile_cellular_modem1 |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_extensioncontroller_extenderprofile_cellular_modem1_autoswitch |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_extensioncontroller_extenderprofile_cellular_modem2 |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_extensioncontroller_extenderprofile_cellular_modem2_autoswitch |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_extensioncontroller_extenderprofile_cellular_smsnotification |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_extensioncontroller_extenderprofile_cellular_smsnotification_alert |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_extensioncontroller_extenderprofile_cellular_smsnotification_receiver |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_extensioncontroller_extenderprofile_lanextension |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_extensioncontroller_extenderprofile_lanextension_backhaul |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_firewall_accessproxy6 |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_firewall_accessproxy6_apigateway |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_firewall_accessproxy6_apigateway6 |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_firewall_accessproxy6_apigateway6_realservers |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_firewall_accessproxy6_apigateway6_sslciphersuites |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_firewall_accessproxy6_apigateway_realservers |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_firewall_accessproxy6_apigateway_sslciphersuites |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_firewall_address6_profilelist |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_firewall_address_profilelist |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_firewall_explicitproxyaddress |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_firewall_explicitproxyaddress_headergroup |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_firewall_explicitproxyaddrgrp |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_firewall_gtp_messagefilter |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_firewall_ippoolgrp |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_firewall_networkservicedynamic |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_fmg_fabric_authorization_template |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_fmg_fabric_authorization_template_platforms |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_fmupdate_fwmsetting_upgradetimeout |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_fsp_vlan_dynamicmapping_interface_vrrp |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_fsp_vlan_dynamicmapping_interface_vrrp_proxyarp |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_fsp_vlan_interface_vrrp_proxyarp |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_ips_baseline_sensor |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_ips_baseline_sensor_entries |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_ips_baseline_sensor_entries_exemptip |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_ips_baseline_sensor_filter |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_ips_baseline_sensor_override |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_ips_baseline_sensor_override_exemptip |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_log_npuserver |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_log_npuserver_servergroup |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_log_npuserver_serverinfo |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_pkg_firewall_explicitproxypolicy |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_pkg_firewall_explicitproxypolicy_identitybasedpolicy |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_pkg_firewall_explicitproxypolicy_sectionvalue |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_pkg_firewall_hyperscalepolicy |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_pkg_firewall_hyperscalepolicy46 |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_pkg_firewall_hyperscalepolicy6 |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_pkg_firewall_hyperscalepolicy64 |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_pkg_user_nacpolicy |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_pm_config_pblock_firewall_consolidated_policy |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_pm_config_pblock_firewall_consolidated_policy_sectionvalue |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_pm_config_pblock_firewall_policy6 |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_pm_config_pblock_firewall_policy6_sectionvalue |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_pm_devprof_scopemember |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_pm_pkg_scopemember |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_pm_wanprof_scopemember |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_securityconsole_template_cli_preview |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_switchcontroller_acl_group |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_switchcontroller_acl_ingress |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_switchcontroller_acl_ingress_action |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_switchcontroller_acl_ingress_classifier |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_switchcontroller_dynamicportpolicy |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_switchcontroller_dynamicportpolicy_policy |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_switchcontroller_fortilinksettings |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_switchcontroller_fortilinksettings_nacports |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_switchcontroller_macpolicy |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_switchcontroller_managedswitch_dhcpsnoopingstaticclient |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_switchcontroller_managedswitch_ports_dhcpsnoopoption82override |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_switchcontroller_managedswitch_staticmac |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_switchcontroller_managedswitch_stpinstance |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_switchcontroller_switchinterfacetag |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_switchcontroller_trafficpolicy |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_switchcontroller_vlanpolicy |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_sys_cloud_orchest |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_system_npu_backgroundssescan |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_system_npu_dosoptions |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_system_npu_dswdtsprofile |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_system_npu_dswqueuedtsprofile |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_system_npu_hpe |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_system_npu_ipreassembly |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_system_npu_npqueues |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_system_npu_npqueues_ethernettype |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_system_npu_npqueues_ipprotocol |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_system_npu_npqueues_ipservice |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_system_npu_npqueues_profile |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_system_npu_npqueues_scheduler |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_system_npu_portpathoption |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_system_npu_ssehascan |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_system_npu_swtrhash |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_system_npu_tcptimeoutprofile |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_system_npu_udptimeoutprofile |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_system_objecttag |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_system_sdnconnector_compartmentlist |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_system_sdnconnector_ociregionlist |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_system_socfabric_trustedlist |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_um_image_upgrade |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_um_image_upgrade_ext |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_user_certificate |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_user_deviceaccesslist |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_user_deviceaccesslist_devicelist |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_user_flexvm |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_user_json |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_user_saml_dynamicmapping |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_vpnsslweb_portal_landingpage |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_vpnsslweb_portal_landingpage_formdata |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_vpnsslweb_virtualdesktopapplist |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_vpnsslweb_virtualdesktopapplist_apps |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_wireless_accesscontrollist |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_wireless_accesscontrollist_layer3ipv4rules |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_wireless_accesscontrollist_layer3ipv6rules |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_wireless_address |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_wireless_addrgrp |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_wireless_ssidpolicy |
fortinet.fortimanager | fmgr_wireless_syslogprofile |
fortinet.fortios | fortios_antivirus_exempt_list |
fortinet.fortios | fortios_endpoint_control_fctems_override |
fortinet.fortios | fortios_router_extcommunity_list |
fortinet.fortios | fortios_switch_controller_acl_group |
fortinet.fortios | fortios_switch_controller_acl_ingress |
fortinet.fortios | fortios_system_device_upgrade |
fortinet.fortios | fortios_system_evpn |
fortinet.fortios | fortios_system_fabric_vpn |
fortinet.fortios | fortios_system_pcp_server |
fortinet.fortios | fortios_system_sdn_proxy |
fortinet.fortios | fortios_system_sso_fortigate_cloud_admin |
fortinet.fortios | fortios_vpn_kmip_server |
hetzner.hcloud | hcloud_iso_info |
hetzner.hcloud | hcloud_primary_ip_info |
netapp.ontap | na_ontap_active_directory_domain_controllers |
purestorage.flasharray | purefa_logging |
sensu.sensu_go | pipeline |
sensu.sensu_go | pipeline_info |
t_systems_mms.icinga_director | icinga_deploy |
t_systems_mms.icinga_director | icinga_deploy_info |
Modules Removed
Collection | Module |
Collections (6.3.0) details
All changes for ansible-8.3.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.0.0
Type | Count |
action | 1 |
callback | 1 |
inventory | 2 |
lookup | 5 |
modules | 95 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
ansible.netcommon (5.1.2)
ansible.netcommon details
All changes for ansible-8.3.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.0.0
Type | Count |
action | 10 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 14 |
filter | 2 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
ansible.posix (1.5.4)
ansible.posix details
All changes for ansible-8.3.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.0.0
Type | Count |
action | 2 |
callback | 8 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 14 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
ansible.utils (2.10.3)
ansible.utils details
All changes for ansible-8.3.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.0.0
Type | Count |
action | 4 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 4 |
modules | 4 |
filter | 29 |
test | 25 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
---|---|---|---| (1.14.0) details
All changes for ansible-8.3.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.0.0
Type | Count |
action | 4 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 40 |
filter | 1 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
arista.eos (6.0.1)
arista.eos details
All changes for ansible-8.3.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.0.0
Type | Count |
action | 41 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 34 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
awx.awx (22.6.0)
awx.awx details
All changes for ansible-8.3.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.0.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 1 |
lookup | 3 |
modules | 43 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
azure.azcollection (1.16.0)
azure.azcollection details
All changes for ansible-8.3.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.0.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 1 |
lookup | 1 |
modules | 282 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
azure-containerregistry | Updated | ==1.0.0 | ==1.1.0 |
azure-mgmt-marketplaceordering | Updated | ==0.1.0 | ==1.1.0 |
azure-mgmt-managementgroups | Updated | ==0.2.0 | ==1.0.0 |
azure-mgmt-devtestlabs | Updated | ==3.0.0 | ==9.0.0 |
check_point.mgmt (5.1.1)
check_point.mgmt details
All changes for ansible-8.3.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.0.0
Type | Count |
action | 5 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 259 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
chocolatey.chocolatey (1.5.1)
chocolatey.chocolatey details
All changes for ansible-8.3.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.0.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 5 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
cisco.aci (2.7.0)
cisco.aci details
All changes for ansible-8.3.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.0.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 1 |
modules | 173 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
cisco.asa (4.0.1)
cisco.asa details
All changes for ansible-8.3.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.0.0
Type | Count |
action | 1 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 5 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
cisco.dnac (6.7.3)
cisco.dnac details
All changes for ansible-8.3.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.0.0
Type | Count |
action | 382 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 387 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
cisco.intersight (1.0.27)
cisco.intersight details
All changes for ansible-8.3.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.0.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 9 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
cisco.ios (4.6.1)
cisco.ios details
All changes for ansible-8.3.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.0.0
Type | Count |
action | 38 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 37 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
cisco.iosxr (5.0.3)
cisco.iosxr details
All changes for ansible-8.3.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.0.0
Type | Count |
action | 33 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 32 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
cisco.ise (2.5.14)
cisco.ise details
All changes for ansible-8.3.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.0.0
Type | Count |
action | 383 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 383 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
ciscoisesdk | Updated | >=2.0.8 | >=2.0.10 |
cisco.meraki (2.15.3)
cisco.meraki details
All changes for ansible-8.3.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.0.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 43 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
cisco.mso (2.5.0)
cisco.mso details
All changes for ansible-8.3.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.0.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 68 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
cisco.nso (1.0.3)
cisco.nso details
All changes for ansible-8.3.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.0.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 5 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
cisco.nxos (4.4.0)
cisco.nxos details
All changes for ansible-8.3.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.0.0
Type | Count |
action | 101 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 87 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
cisco.ucs (1.10.0)
cisco.ucs details
All changes for ansible-8.3.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.0.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 29 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
cloud.common (2.1.4)
cloud.common details
All changes for ansible-8.3.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.0.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 1 |
modules | 3 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
---|---|---|---| (2.3.1) details
All changes for ansible-8.3.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.0.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 1 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 13 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
---|---|---|---| (6.2.0) details
All changes for ansible-8.3.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.0.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 1 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 169 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
---|---|---|---| (2.0.0) details
All changes for ansible-8.3.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.0.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 0 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
community.ciscosmb (1.0.6)
community.ciscosmb details
All changes for ansible-8.3.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.0.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 2 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
paramiko | Added | ||
ansible-pylibssh | Added | ||
galaxy_importer | Added | ||
antsibull_changelog | Removed | ||
galaxy-importer | Removed | ||
community.crypto (2.15.0)
community.crypto details
All changes for ansible-8.3.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.0.0
Type | Count |
action | 1 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 1 |
modules | 32 |
filter | 7 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
community.digitalocean (1.24.0)
community.digitalocean details
All changes for ansible-8.3.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.0.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 1 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 55 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
community.dns (2.6.0)
community.dns details
All changes for ansible-8.3.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.0.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 2 |
lookup | 2 |
modules | 16 |
filter | 1 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
community.docker (3.4.8)
community.docker details
All changes for ansible-8.3.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.0.0
Type | Count |
action | 1 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 3 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 28 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
community.fortios (1.0.0)
community.fortios details
All changes for ansible-8.3.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.0.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 28 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
community.general (7.3.0)
community.general details
All changes for ansible-8.3.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.0.0
Type | Count |
action | 2 |
callback | 25 |
inventory | 13 |
lookup | 32 |
modules | 586 |
filter | 14 |
test | 1 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
---|---|---|---| (1.0.0) details
All changes for ansible-8.3.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.0.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 1 |
modules | 13 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
community.grafana (1.5.4)
community.grafana details
All changes for ansible-8.3.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.0.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 1 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 1 |
modules | 8 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
community.hashi_vault (5.0.0)
community.hashi_vault details
All changes for ansible-8.3.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.0.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 9 |
modules | 10 |
filter | 1 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
community.hrobot (1.8.1)
community.hrobot details
All changes for ansible-8.3.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.0.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 1 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 12 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
community.libvirt (1.2.0)
community.libvirt details
All changes for ansible-8.3.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.0.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 1 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 3 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
community.mongodb (1.6.1)
community.mongodb details
All changes for ansible-8.3.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.0.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 1 |
modules | 18 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
community.mysql (3.7.2)
community.mysql details
All changes for ansible-8.3.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.0.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 7 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
---|---|---|---| (5.0.0) details
All changes for ansible-8.3.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.0.0
Type | Count |
action | 13 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 1 |
modules | 315 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
community.okd (2.3.0)
community.okd details
All changes for ansible-8.3.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.0.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 1 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 13 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
community.postgresql (2.4.3)
community.postgresql details
All changes for ansible-8.3.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.0.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 23 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
community.proxysql (1.5.1)
community.proxysql details
All changes for ansible-8.3.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.0.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 9 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
community.rabbitmq (1.2.3)
community.rabbitmq details
All changes for ansible-8.3.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.0.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 1 |
modules | 14 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
community.routeros (2.9.0)
community.routeros details
All changes for ansible-8.3.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.0.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 7 |
filter | 1 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
---|---|---|---| (1.0.0) details
All changes for ansible-8.3.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.0.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 7 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
community.sap_libs (1.4.1)
community.sap_libs details
All changes for ansible-8.3.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.0.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 9 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
community.skydive (1.0.0)
community.skydive details
All changes for ansible-8.3.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.0.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 1 |
modules | 3 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
community.sops (1.6.4)
community.sops details
All changes for ansible-8.3.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.0.0
Type | Count |
action | 1 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 1 |
modules | 2 |
filter | 2 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
community.vmware (3.9.0)
community.vmware details
All changes for ansible-8.3.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.0.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 2 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 169 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
---|---|---|---| (1.13.0) details
All changes for ansible-8.3.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.0.0
Type | Count |
action | 1 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 1 |
modules | 85 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
community.zabbix (2.1.0)
community.zabbix details
All changes for ansible-8.3.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.0.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 1 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 30 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
containers.podman (1.10.2)
containers.podman details
All changes for ansible-8.3.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.0.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 23 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
cyberark.conjur (1.2.0)
cyberark.conjur details
All changes for ansible-8.3.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.0.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 1 |
modules | 0 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
cyberark.pas (1.0.19)
cyberark.pas details
All changes for ansible-8.3.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.0.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 4 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
dellemc.enterprise_sonic (2.2.0)
dellemc.enterprise_sonic details
All changes for ansible-8.3.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.0.0
Type | Count |
action | 1 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 41 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
dellemc.openmanage (7.6.1)
dellemc.openmanage details
All changes for ansible-8.3.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.0.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 1 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 85 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
jmespath | Added | ||
dellemc.powerflex (1.7.0)
dellemc.powerflex details
All changes for ansible-8.3.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.0.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 12 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
dellemc.unity (1.7.1)
dellemc.unity details
All changes for ansible-8.3.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.0.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 18 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
urllib3 | Updated | >=1.26.7 | |
setuptools | Removed | ||
f5networks.f5_modules (1.25.1)
f5networks.f5_modules details
All changes for ansible-8.3.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.0.0
Type | Count |
action | 3 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 2 |
modules | 179 |
filter | 2 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
fortinet.fortimanager (2.2.1)
fortinet.fortimanager details
All changes for ansible-8.3.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.0.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 1133 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
fortinet.fortios (2.3.1)
fortinet.fortios details
All changes for ansible-8.3.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.0.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 658 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
frr.frr (2.0.2)
frr.frr details
All changes for ansible-8.3.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.0.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 2 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
gluster.gluster (1.0.2)
gluster.gluster details
All changes for ansible-8.3.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.0.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 4 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
---|---|---|---| (1.2.0) details
All changes for ansible-8.3.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.0.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 1 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 170 |
filter | 1 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
grafana.grafana (2.1.5)
grafana.grafana details
All changes for ansible-8.3.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.0.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 8 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
hetzner.hcloud (1.16.0)
hetzner.hcloud details
All changes for ansible-8.3.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.0.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 1 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 39 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
hpe.nimble (1.1.4)
hpe.nimble details
All changes for ansible-8.3.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.0.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 22 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
ibm.qradar (2.1.0)
ibm.qradar details
All changes for ansible-8.3.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.0.0
Type | Count |
action | 2 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 16 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
ibm.spectrum_virtualize (1.12.0)
ibm.spectrum_virtualize details
All changes for ansible-8.3.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.0.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 44 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
infinidat.infinibox (1.3.12)
infinidat.infinibox details
All changes for ansible-8.3.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.0.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 11 |
filter | 1 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
infoblox.nios_modules (1.5.0)
infoblox.nios_modules details
All changes for ansible-8.3.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.0.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 1 |
lookup | 3 |
modules | 21 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
inspur.ispim (1.3.0)
inspur.ispim details
All changes for ansible-8.3.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.0.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 126 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
---|---|---|---| (2.3.0) details
All changes for ansible-8.3.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.0.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 137 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
junipernetworks.junos (5.2.0)
junipernetworks.junos details
All changes for ansible-8.3.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.0.0
Type | Count |
action | 1 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 40 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
kubernetes.core (2.4.0)
kubernetes.core details
All changes for ansible-8.3.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.0.0
Type | Count |
action | 16 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 1 |
lookup | 2 |
modules | 19 |
filter | 1 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
lowlydba.sqlserver (2.1.0)
lowlydba.sqlserver details
All changes for ansible-8.3.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.0.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 30 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
---|---|---|---| (1.3.0) details
All changes for ansible-8.3.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.0.0
Type | Count |
action | 4 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 1 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 11 |
filter | 1 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
dpapi-ng | Added | || (21.7.0) details
All changes for ansible-8.3.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.0.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 4 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
---|---|---|---| (21.10.0) details
All changes for ansible-8.3.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.0.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 4 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
netapp.cloudmanager (21.22.0)
netapp.cloudmanager details
All changes for ansible-8.3.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.0.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 13 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
netapp.elementsw (21.7.0)
netapp.elementsw details
All changes for ansible-8.3.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.0.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 24 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
netapp.ontap (22.7.0)
netapp.ontap details
All changes for ansible-8.3.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.0.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 149 |
filter | 1 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
netapp.storagegrid (21.11.1)
netapp.storagegrid details
All changes for ansible-8.3.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.0.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 19 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
netapp.um_info (21.8.0)
netapp.um_info details
All changes for ansible-8.3.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.0.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 10 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
netapp_eseries.santricity (1.4.0)
netapp_eseries.santricity details
All changes for ansible-8.3.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.0.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 5 |
modules | 55 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
netbox.netbox (3.13.0)
netbox.netbox details
All changes for ansible-8.3.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.0.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 1 |
lookup | 1 |
modules | 76 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
ngine_io.cloudstack (2.3.0)
ngine_io.cloudstack details
All changes for ansible-8.3.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.0.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 1 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 53 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
ngine_io.exoscale (1.0.0)
ngine_io.exoscale details
All changes for ansible-8.3.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.0.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 2 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
ngine_io.vultr (1.1.3)
ngine_io.vultr details
All changes for ansible-8.3.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.0.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 1 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 24 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
---|---|---|---| (2.1.0) details
All changes for ansible-8.3.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.0.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 1 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 87 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
openvswitch.openvswitch (2.1.1)
openvswitch.openvswitch details
All changes for ansible-8.3.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.0.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 4 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
ovirt.ovirt (3.1.2)
ovirt.ovirt details
All changes for ansible-8.3.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.0.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 1 |
inventory | 1 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 58 |
filter | 4 |
test | 1 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
purestorage.flasharray (1.20.0)
purestorage.flasharray details
All changes for ansible-8.3.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.0.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 58 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
purestorage.flashblade (1.12.1)
purestorage.flashblade details
All changes for ansible-8.3.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.0.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 47 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
purestorage.fusion (1.6.0)
purestorage.fusion details
All changes for ansible-8.3.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.0.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 19 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
sensu.sensu_go (1.14.0)
sensu.sensu_go details
All changes for ansible-8.3.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.0.0
Type | Count |
action | 1 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 51 |
filter | 2 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
---|---|---|---| (2.1.0) details
All changes for ansible-8.3.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.0.0
Type | Count |
action | 4 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 14 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
t_systems_mms.icinga_director (1.33.1)
t_systems_mms.icinga_director details
All changes for ansible-8.3.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.0.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 1 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 40 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
telekom_mms.icinga_director (1.34.1)
telekom_mms.icinga_director details
All changes for ansible-8.3.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.0.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 1 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 40 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
theforeman.foreman (3.12.0)
theforeman.foreman details
All changes for ansible-8.3.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.0.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 1 |
inventory | 1 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 79 |
filter | 1 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
vmware.vmware_rest (2.3.1)
vmware.vmware_rest details
All changes for ansible-8.3.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.0.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 8 |
modules | 132 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
---|---|---|---| (1.8.0) details
All changes for ansible-8.3.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.0.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 1 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 27 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
vyos.vyos (4.1.0)
vyos.vyos details
All changes for ansible-8.3.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.0.0
Type | Count |
action | 36 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 29 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
wti.remote (1.0.5)
wti.remote details
All changes for ansible-8.3.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-8.0.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 32 |
modules | 30 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
All changes compared to previous version inspected, ansible-7.6.0
Version Changes
Collection | Old Version | New Version |
---|---|---| | 5.5.0 | 6.0.1 |
ansible.netcommon | 4.1.0 | 5.1.1 |
awx.awx | 21.14.0 | 22.3.0 |
check_point.mgmt | 4.0.0 | 5.1.1 |
cisco.iosxr | 4.1.0 | 5.0.3 |
cisco.nxos | 4.3.0 | 4.4.0 | | 5.5.0 | 6.0.0 |
community.ciscosmb | 1.0.5 | 1.0.6 |
community.general | 6.6.1 | 7.0.1 |
community.hashi_vault | 4.2.1 | 5.0.0 |
community.mysql | 3.7.1 | 3.7.2 |
community.zabbix | 1.9.3 | 2.0.1 |
dellemc.enterprise_sonic | 2.1.0 | 2.0.0 |
dellemc.openmanage | 6.3.0 | 7.6.0 |
fortinet.fortios | 2.2.3 | 2.3.0 |
grafana.grafana | 1.1.1 | 2.0.0 |
hetzner.hcloud | 1.12.0 | 1.11.0 |
junipernetworks.junos | 4.1.0 | 5.1.0 |
lowlydba.sqlserver | 1.3.1 | 2.0.0 | | 1.10.0 | 2.1.0 |
ovirt.ovirt | 2.4.1 | 3.1.2 |
vyos.vyos | 4.0.2 | 4.1.0 |
Modules Added
Collection | Module |
---|---| | backup_plan | | backup_plan_info | | backup_restore_job_info | | backup_selection | | backup_selection_info | | backup_tag | | backup_tag_info | | backup_vault | | backup_vault_info |
check_point.mgmt | cp_mgmt_abort_get_interfaces |
check_point.mgmt | cp_mgmt_access_layers |
check_point.mgmt | cp_mgmt_access_point_name |
check_point.mgmt | cp_mgmt_access_point_name_facts |
check_point.mgmt | cp_mgmt_add_repository_package |
check_point.mgmt | cp_mgmt_add_updatable_object |
check_point.mgmt | cp_mgmt_checkpoint_host |
check_point.mgmt | cp_mgmt_checkpoint_host_facts |
check_point.mgmt | cp_mgmt_delete_repository_package |
check_point.mgmt | cp_mgmt_delete_updatable_object |
check_point.mgmt | cp_mgmt_dynamic_global_network_object |
check_point.mgmt | cp_mgmt_dynamic_global_network_object_facts |
check_point.mgmt | cp_mgmt_export_management |
check_point.mgmt | cp_mgmt_export_smart_task |
check_point.mgmt | cp_mgmt_get_attachment |
check_point.mgmt | cp_mgmt_get_interfaces |
check_point.mgmt | cp_mgmt_gsn_handover_group |
check_point.mgmt | cp_mgmt_gsn_handover_group_facts |
check_point.mgmt | cp_mgmt_ha_full_sync |
check_point.mgmt | cp_mgmt_hosts |
check_point.mgmt | cp_mgmt_https_layer |
check_point.mgmt | cp_mgmt_https_layer_facts |
check_point.mgmt | cp_mgmt_import_management |
check_point.mgmt | cp_mgmt_import_smart_task |
check_point.mgmt | cp_mgmt_ips_protection_extended_attribute_facts |
check_point.mgmt | cp_mgmt_lock_object |
check_point.mgmt | cp_mgmt_lsv_profile |
check_point.mgmt | cp_mgmt_lsv_profile_facts |
check_point.mgmt | cp_mgmt_nat_rule |
check_point.mgmt | cp_mgmt_radius_group |
check_point.mgmt | cp_mgmt_radius_group_facts |
check_point.mgmt | cp_mgmt_radius_server |
check_point.mgmt | cp_mgmt_radius_server_facts |
check_point.mgmt | cp_mgmt_repository_package_facts |
check_point.mgmt | cp_mgmt_service_citrix_tcp |
check_point.mgmt | cp_mgmt_service_citrix_tcp_facts |
check_point.mgmt | cp_mgmt_service_compound_tcp |
check_point.mgmt | cp_mgmt_service_compound_tcp_facts |
check_point.mgmt | cp_mgmt_set_api_settings |
check_point.mgmt | cp_mgmt_set_cloud_services |
check_point.mgmt | cp_mgmt_set_global_domain |
check_point.mgmt | cp_mgmt_set_ha_state |
check_point.mgmt | cp_mgmt_set_ips_update_schedule |
check_point.mgmt | cp_mgmt_set_login_message |
check_point.mgmt | cp_mgmt_set_policy_settings |
check_point.mgmt | cp_mgmt_set_vpn_community_remote_access |
check_point.mgmt | cp_mgmt_show_api_settings |
check_point.mgmt | cp_mgmt_show_api_versions |
check_point.mgmt | cp_mgmt_show_azure_ad_content |
check_point.mgmt | cp_mgmt_show_changes |
check_point.mgmt | cp_mgmt_show_commands |
check_point.mgmt | cp_mgmt_show_gateways_and_servers |
check_point.mgmt | cp_mgmt_show_global_domain |
check_point.mgmt | cp_mgmt_show_ha_state |
check_point.mgmt | cp_mgmt_show_ips_status |
check_point.mgmt | cp_mgmt_show_ips_update_schedule |
check_point.mgmt | cp_mgmt_show_layer_structure |
check_point.mgmt | cp_mgmt_show_login_message |
check_point.mgmt | cp_mgmt_show_place_holder |
check_point.mgmt | cp_mgmt_show_policy_settings |
check_point.mgmt | cp_mgmt_show_software_packages_per_targets |
check_point.mgmt | cp_mgmt_show_unused_objects |
check_point.mgmt | cp_mgmt_show_updatable_objects_repository_content |
check_point.mgmt | cp_mgmt_show_validations |
check_point.mgmt | cp_mgmt_smart_task |
check_point.mgmt | cp_mgmt_smart_task_facts |
check_point.mgmt | cp_mgmt_smart_task_trigger_facts |
check_point.mgmt | cp_mgmt_tacacs_group |
check_point.mgmt | cp_mgmt_tacacs_group_facts |
check_point.mgmt | cp_mgmt_tacacs_server |
check_point.mgmt | cp_mgmt_tacacs_server_facts |
check_point.mgmt | cp_mgmt_task_facts |
check_point.mgmt | cp_mgmt_threat_layers |
check_point.mgmt | cp_mgmt_threat_rules |
check_point.mgmt | cp_mgmt_time_group |
check_point.mgmt | cp_mgmt_time_group_facts |
check_point.mgmt | cp_mgmt_unlock_administrator |
check_point.mgmt | cp_mgmt_unlock_object |
check_point.mgmt | cp_mgmt_updatable_object_facts |
check_point.mgmt | cp_mgmt_update_updatable_objects_repository_content |
check_point.mgmt | cp_mgmt_user_group |
check_point.mgmt | cp_mgmt_user_group_facts |
check_point.mgmt | cp_mgmt_vpn_community_remote_access_facts |
check_point.mgmt | cp_mgmt_vsx_run_operation |
check_point.mgmt | cp_mgmt_where_used | | ec2_carrier_gateway | | ec2_carrier_gateway_info | | lightsail_snapshot | | mq_broker | | mq_broker_config | | mq_broker_info | | mq_user | | mq_user_info | | ssm_inventory_info |
community.general | ipbase_info |
dellemc.openmanage | idrac_user_info |
dellemc.openmanage | ome_profile_info |
dellemc.openmanage | ome_smart_fabric_info |
dellemc.openmanage | ome_smart_fabric_uplink_info |
dellemc.openmanage | ome_template_network_vlan_info | | baremetal_deploy_template | | catalog_service_info | | compute_flavor_access | | resource | | resources | | volume_type_access |
Modules Removed
Collection | Module |
community.general | hana_query |
community.general | sap_task_list_execute |
community.general | sapcar_extract |
community.zabbix | zabbix_group_facts |
community.zabbix | zabbix_host_facts |
community.zabbix | zabbix_screen | | container | | os_auth | | os_client_config | | os_coe_cluster | | os_coe_cluster_template | | os_flavor_info | | os_floating_ip | | os_group | | os_group_info | | os_image | | os_image_info | | os_ironic | | os_ironic_inspect | | os_ironic_node | | os_keypair | | os_keystone_domain | | os_keystone_domain_info | | os_keystone_endpoint | | os_keystone_federation_protocol | | os_keystone_federation_protocol_info | | os_keystone_identity_provider | | os_keystone_identity_provider_info | | os_keystone_mapping | | os_keystone_mapping_info | | os_keystone_role | | os_keystone_service | | os_listener | | os_loadbalancer | | os_member | | os_network | | os_networks_info | | os_nova_flavor | | os_nova_host_aggregate | | os_object | | os_pool | | os_port | | os_port_info | | os_project | | os_project_access | | os_project_info | | os_quota | | os_recordset | | os_router | | os_routers_info | | os_security_group | | os_security_group_rule | | os_server | | os_server_action | | os_server_group | | os_server_info | | os_server_metadata | | os_server_volume | | os_stack | | os_subnet | | os_subnets_info | | os_user | | os_user_group | | os_user_info | | os_user_role | | os_volume | | os_volume_snapshot | | os_zone | | project_access |
purestorage.flasharray | purefa_logging |
t_systems_mms.icinga_director | icinga_deploy |
t_systems_mms.icinga_director | icinga_deploy_info |
Collections (6.0.1) details
All changes for ansible-8.0.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-7.6.0
Type | Count |
action | 1 |
callback | 1 |
inventory | 2 |
lookup | 5 |
modules | 93 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
botocore | Updated | >=1.21.0 | >=1.25.0 |
boto3 | Updated | >=1.18.0 | >=1.22.0 |
ansible.netcommon (5.1.1)
ansible.netcommon details
All changes for ansible-8.0.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-7.6.0
Type | Count |
action | 10 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 14 |
filter | 2 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
ansible.posix (1.5.4)
ansible.posix details
All changes for ansible-8.0.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-7.6.0
Type | Count |
action | 2 |
callback | 8 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 14 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
ansible.utils (2.10.3)
ansible.utils details
All changes for ansible-8.0.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-7.6.0
Type | Count |
action | 4 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 4 |
modules | 4 |
filter | 29 |
test | 25 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
---|---|---|---| (1.14.0) details
All changes for ansible-8.0.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-7.6.0
Type | Count |
action | 4 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 40 |
filter | 1 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
arista.eos (6.0.1)
arista.eos details
All changes for ansible-8.0.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-7.6.0
Type | Count |
action | 41 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 34 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
awx.awx (22.3.0)
awx.awx details
All changes for ansible-8.0.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-7.6.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 1 |
lookup | 3 |
modules | 43 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
azure.azcollection (1.15.0)
azure.azcollection details
All changes for ansible-8.0.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-7.6.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 1 |
lookup | 1 |
modules | 281 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
check_point.mgmt (5.1.1)
check_point.mgmt details
All changes for ansible-8.0.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-7.6.0
Type | Count |
action | 5 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 259 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
chocolatey.chocolatey (1.4.0)
chocolatey.chocolatey details
All changes for ansible-8.0.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-7.6.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 5 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
cisco.aci (2.6.0)
cisco.aci details
All changes for ansible-8.0.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-7.6.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 1 |
modules | 162 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
cisco.asa (4.0.0)
cisco.asa details
All changes for ansible-8.0.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-7.6.0
Type | Count |
action | 1 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 5 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
cisco.dnac (6.7.2)
cisco.dnac details
All changes for ansible-8.0.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-7.6.0
Type | Count |
action | 382 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 387 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
cisco.intersight (1.0.27)
cisco.intersight details
All changes for ansible-8.0.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-7.6.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 9 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
cisco.ios (4.5.0)
cisco.ios details
All changes for ansible-8.0.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-7.6.0
Type | Count |
action | 37 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 36 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
cisco.iosxr (5.0.3)
cisco.iosxr details
All changes for ansible-8.0.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-7.6.0
Type | Count |
action | 33 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 32 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
cisco.ise (2.5.12)
cisco.ise details
All changes for ansible-8.0.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-7.6.0
Type | Count |
action | 383 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 383 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
cisco.meraki (2.15.1)
cisco.meraki details
All changes for ansible-8.0.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-7.6.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 43 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
cisco.mso (2.4.0)
cisco.mso details
All changes for ansible-8.0.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-7.6.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 66 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
cisco.nso (1.0.3)
cisco.nso details
All changes for ansible-8.0.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-7.6.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 5 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
cisco.nxos (4.4.0)
cisco.nxos details
All changes for ansible-8.0.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-7.6.0
Type | Count |
action | 101 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 87 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
cisco.ucs (1.8.0)
cisco.ucs details
All changes for ansible-8.0.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-7.6.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 29 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
cloud.common (2.1.3)
cloud.common details
All changes for ansible-8.0.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-7.6.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 1 |
modules | 3 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
---|---|---|---| (2.2.4) details
All changes for ansible-8.0.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-7.6.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 1 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 8 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
---|---|---|---| (6.0.0) details
All changes for ansible-8.0.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-7.6.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 168 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
botocore | Updated | >=1.21.0 | >=1.25.0 |
boto3 | Updated | >=1.18.0 | >=1.22.0 | (2.0.0) details
All changes for ansible-8.0.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-7.6.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 0 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
community.ciscosmb (1.0.6)
community.ciscosmb details
All changes for ansible-8.0.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-7.6.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 2 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
community.crypto (2.13.1)
community.crypto details
All changes for ansible-8.0.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-7.6.0
Type | Count |
action | 1 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 32 |
filter | 6 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
community.digitalocean (1.23.0)
community.digitalocean details
All changes for ansible-8.0.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-7.6.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 1 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 55 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
community.dns (2.5.4)
community.dns details
All changes for ansible-8.0.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-7.6.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 2 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 14 |
filter | 1 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
community.docker (3.4.6)
community.docker details
All changes for ansible-8.0.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-7.6.0
Type | Count |
action | 1 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 3 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 28 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
community.fortios (1.0.0)
community.fortios details
All changes for ansible-8.0.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-7.6.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 28 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
community.general (7.0.1)
community.general details
All changes for ansible-8.0.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-7.6.0
Type | Count |
action | 2 |
callback | 25 |
inventory | 13 |
lookup | 31 |
modules | 575 |
filter | 14 |
test | 1 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
---|---|---|---| (1.0.0) details
All changes for ansible-8.0.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-7.6.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 1 |
modules | 13 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
community.grafana (1.5.4)
community.grafana details
All changes for ansible-8.0.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-7.6.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 1 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 1 |
modules | 8 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
community.hashi_vault (5.0.0)
community.hashi_vault details
All changes for ansible-8.0.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-7.6.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 9 |
modules | 10 |
filter | 1 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
community.hrobot (1.8.0)
community.hrobot details
All changes for ansible-8.0.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-7.6.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 1 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 12 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
community.libvirt (1.2.0)
community.libvirt details
All changes for ansible-8.0.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-7.6.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 1 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 3 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
community.mongodb (1.5.2)
community.mongodb details
All changes for ansible-8.0.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-7.6.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 1 |
modules | 18 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
community.mysql (3.7.2)
community.mysql details
All changes for ansible-8.0.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-7.6.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 7 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
---|---|---|---| (5.0.0) details
All changes for ansible-8.0.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-7.6.0
Type | Count |
action | 13 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 1 |
modules | 315 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
community.okd (2.3.0)
community.okd details
All changes for ansible-8.0.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-7.6.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 1 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 13 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
community.postgresql (2.4.1)
community.postgresql details
All changes for ansible-8.0.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-7.6.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 23 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
community.proxysql (1.5.1)
community.proxysql details
All changes for ansible-8.0.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-7.6.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 9 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
community.rabbitmq (1.2.3)
community.rabbitmq details
All changes for ansible-8.0.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-7.6.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 1 |
modules | 14 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
community.routeros (2.8.0)
community.routeros details
All changes for ansible-8.0.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-7.6.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 7 |
filter | 1 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
---|---|---|---| (1.0.0) details
All changes for ansible-8.0.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-7.6.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 7 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
community.sap_libs (1.4.1)
community.sap_libs details
All changes for ansible-8.0.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-7.6.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 9 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
community.skydive (1.0.0)
community.skydive details
All changes for ansible-8.0.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-7.6.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 1 |
modules | 3 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
community.sops (1.6.1)
community.sops details
All changes for ansible-8.0.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-7.6.0
Type | Count |
action | 1 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 1 |
modules | 2 |
filter | 2 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
community.vmware (3.6.0)
community.vmware details
All changes for ansible-8.0.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-7.6.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 2 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 165 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
---|---|---|---| (1.13.0) details
All changes for ansible-8.0.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-7.6.0
Type | Count |
action | 1 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 1 |
modules | 85 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
community.zabbix (2.0.1)
community.zabbix details
All changes for ansible-8.0.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-7.6.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 1 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 27 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
containers.podman (1.10.1)
containers.podman details
All changes for ansible-8.0.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-7.6.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 22 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
cyberark.conjur (1.2.0)
cyberark.conjur details
All changes for ansible-8.0.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-7.6.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 1 |
modules | 0 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
cyberark.pas (1.0.19)
cyberark.pas details
All changes for ansible-8.0.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-7.6.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 4 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
dellemc.enterprise_sonic (2.0.0)
dellemc.enterprise_sonic details
All changes for ansible-8.0.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-7.6.0
Type | Count |
action | 1 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 28 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
dellemc.openmanage (7.6.0)
dellemc.openmanage details
All changes for ansible-8.0.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-7.6.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 1 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 85 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
dellemc.powerflex (1.6.0)
dellemc.powerflex details
All changes for ansible-8.0.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-7.6.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 11 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
dellemc.unity (1.6.0)
dellemc.unity details
All changes for ansible-8.0.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-7.6.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 17 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
f5networks.f5_modules (1.24.0)
f5networks.f5_modules details
All changes for ansible-8.0.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-7.6.0
Type | Count |
action | 3 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 2 |
modules | 178 |
filter | 2 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
fortinet.fortimanager (2.1.7)
fortinet.fortimanager details
All changes for ansible-8.0.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-7.6.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 994 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
fortinet.fortios (2.3.0)
fortinet.fortios details
All changes for ansible-8.0.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-7.6.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 646 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
frr.frr (2.0.2)
frr.frr details
All changes for ansible-8.0.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-7.6.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 2 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
gluster.gluster (1.0.2)
gluster.gluster details
All changes for ansible-8.0.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-7.6.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 4 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
---|---|---|---| (1.1.3) details
All changes for ansible-8.0.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-7.6.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 1 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 170 |
filter | 1 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
grafana.grafana (2.0.0)
grafana.grafana details
All changes for ansible-8.0.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-7.6.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 8 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
yamllint | Added | ==1.29.0 | |
ansible-lint | Added | >=6.13.1 | |
pylint | Added | >=2.16.2 | |
hetzner.hcloud (1.11.0)
hetzner.hcloud details
All changes for ansible-8.0.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-7.6.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 1 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 37 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
hpe.nimble (1.1.4)
hpe.nimble details
All changes for ansible-8.0.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-7.6.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 22 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
ibm.qradar (2.1.0)
ibm.qradar details
All changes for ansible-8.0.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-7.6.0
Type | Count |
action | 2 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 16 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
ibm.spectrum_virtualize (1.12.0)
ibm.spectrum_virtualize details
All changes for ansible-8.0.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-7.6.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 44 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
infinidat.infinibox (1.3.12)
infinidat.infinibox details
All changes for ansible-8.0.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-7.6.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 11 |
filter | 1 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
infoblox.nios_modules (1.5.0)
infoblox.nios_modules details
All changes for ansible-8.0.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-7.6.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 1 |
lookup | 3 |
modules | 21 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
inspur.ispim (1.3.0)
inspur.ispim details
All changes for ansible-8.0.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-7.6.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 126 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
---|---|---|---| (2.3.0) details
All changes for ansible-8.0.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-7.6.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 137 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
junipernetworks.junos (5.1.0)
junipernetworks.junos details
All changes for ansible-8.0.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-7.6.0
Type | Count |
action | 1 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 40 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
kubernetes.core (2.4.0)
kubernetes.core details
All changes for ansible-8.0.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-7.6.0
Type | Count |
action | 16 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 1 |
lookup | 2 |
modules | 19 |
filter | 1 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
lowlydba.sqlserver (2.0.0)
lowlydba.sqlserver details
All changes for ansible-8.0.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-7.6.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 30 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
---|---|---|---| (1.1.0) details
All changes for ansible-8.0.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-7.6.0
Type | Count |
action | 4 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 1 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 11 |
filter | 1 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
---|---|---|---| (21.7.0) details
All changes for ansible-8.0.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-7.6.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 4 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
---|---|---|---| (21.10.0) details
All changes for ansible-8.0.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-7.6.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 4 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
netapp.cloudmanager (21.22.0)
netapp.cloudmanager details
All changes for ansible-8.0.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-7.6.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 13 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
netapp.elementsw (21.7.0)
netapp.elementsw details
All changes for ansible-8.0.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-7.6.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 24 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
netapp.ontap (22.6.0)
netapp.ontap details
All changes for ansible-8.0.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-7.6.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 148 |
filter | 1 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
netapp.storagegrid (21.11.1)
netapp.storagegrid details
All changes for ansible-8.0.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-7.6.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 19 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
netapp.um_info (21.8.0)
netapp.um_info details
All changes for ansible-8.0.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-7.6.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 10 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
netapp_eseries.santricity (1.4.0)
netapp_eseries.santricity details
All changes for ansible-8.0.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-7.6.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 5 |
modules | 55 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
netbox.netbox (3.13.0)
netbox.netbox details
All changes for ansible-8.0.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-7.6.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 1 |
lookup | 1 |
modules | 76 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
ngine_io.cloudstack (2.3.0)
ngine_io.cloudstack details
All changes for ansible-8.0.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-7.6.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 1 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 53 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
ngine_io.exoscale (1.0.0)
ngine_io.exoscale details
All changes for ansible-8.0.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-7.6.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 2 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
ngine_io.vultr (1.1.3)
ngine_io.vultr details
All changes for ansible-8.0.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-7.6.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 1 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 24 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
---|---|---|---| (2.1.0) details
All changes for ansible-8.0.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-7.6.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 1 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 87 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
openstacksdk | Updated | <0.99.0 | >=0.36 |
openvswitch.openvswitch (2.1.1)
openvswitch.openvswitch details
All changes for ansible-8.0.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-7.6.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 4 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
ovirt.ovirt (3.1.2)
ovirt.ovirt details
All changes for ansible-8.0.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-7.6.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 1 |
inventory | 1 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 58 |
filter | 4 |
test | 1 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
purestorage.flasharray (1.19.1)
purestorage.flasharray details
All changes for ansible-8.0.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-7.6.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 57 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
purestorage.flashblade (1.11.0)
purestorage.flashblade details
All changes for ansible-8.0.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-7.6.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 47 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
purestorage.fusion (1.4.2)
purestorage.fusion details
All changes for ansible-8.0.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-7.6.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 19 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
sensu.sensu_go (1.13.2)
sensu.sensu_go details
All changes for ansible-8.0.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-7.6.0
Type | Count |
action | 1 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 49 |
filter | 2 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
---|---|---|---| (2.1.0) details
All changes for ansible-8.0.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-7.6.0
Type | Count |
action | 4 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 14 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
t_systems_mms.icinga_director (1.33.0)
t_systems_mms.icinga_director details
All changes for ansible-8.0.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-7.6.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 1 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 38 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
theforeman.foreman (3.10.0)
theforeman.foreman details
All changes for ansible-8.0.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-7.6.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 1 |
inventory | 1 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 79 |
filter | 1 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
vmware.vmware_rest (2.3.1)
vmware.vmware_rest details
All changes for ansible-8.0.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-7.6.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 8 |
modules | 132 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
---|---|---|---| (1.8.0) details
All changes for ansible-8.0.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-7.6.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 1 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 27 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
vyos.vyos (4.1.0)
vyos.vyos details
All changes for ansible-8.0.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-7.6.0
Type | Count |
action | 36 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 29 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
wti.remote (1.0.4)
wti.remote details
All changes for ansible-8.0.0 compared to previous version inspected, ansible-7.6.0
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 32 |
modules | 30 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
requirements changed
Name | Change | Old Spec | New Spec |
Collections (5.5.0) details
Type | Count |
action | 1 |
callback | 1 |
inventory | 2 |
lookup | 4 |
modules | 84 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
ansible.netcommon (4.1.0)
ansible.netcommon details
Type | Count |
action | 10 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 14 |
filter | 1 |
test | 0 |
ansible.posix (1.5.4)
ansible.posix details
Type | Count |
action | 2 |
callback | 8 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 14 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
ansible.utils (2.10.3)
ansible.utils details
Type | Count |
action | 4 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 4 |
modules | 4 |
filter | 29 |
test | 25 | (1.14.0) details
Type | Count |
action | 4 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 40 |
filter | 1 |
test | 0 |
arista.eos (6.0.1)
arista.eos details
Type | Count |
action | 41 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 34 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
awx.awx (21.14.0)
awx.awx details
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 1 |
lookup | 3 |
modules | 43 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
azure.azcollection (1.15.0)
azure.azcollection details
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 1 |
lookup | 1 |
modules | 281 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
check_point.mgmt (4.0.0)
check_point.mgmt details
Type | Count |
action | 1 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 174 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
chocolatey.chocolatey (1.4.0)
chocolatey.chocolatey details
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 5 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
cisco.aci (2.6.0)
cisco.aci details
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 1 |
modules | 162 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
cisco.asa (4.0.0)
cisco.asa details
Type | Count |
action | 1 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 5 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
cisco.dnac (6.7.2)
cisco.dnac details
Type | Count |
action | 382 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 387 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
cisco.intersight (1.0.27)
cisco.intersight details
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 9 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
cisco.ios (4.5.0)
cisco.ios details
Type | Count |
action | 37 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 36 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
cisco.iosxr (4.1.0)
cisco.iosxr details
Type | Count |
action | 33 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 32 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
cisco.ise (2.5.12)
cisco.ise details
Type | Count |
action | 383 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 383 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
cisco.meraki (2.15.1)
cisco.meraki details
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 43 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
cisco.mso (2.4.0)
cisco.mso details
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 66 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
cisco.nso (1.0.3)
cisco.nso details
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 5 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
cisco.nxos (4.3.0)
cisco.nxos details
Type | Count |
action | 101 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 87 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
cisco.ucs (1.8.0)
cisco.ucs details
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 29 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
cloud.common (2.1.3)
cloud.common details
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 1 |
modules | 3 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 | (2.2.4) details
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 1 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 8 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 | (5.5.0) details
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 159 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 | (2.0.0) details
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 0 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
community.ciscosmb (1.0.5)
community.ciscosmb details
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 2 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
community.crypto (2.13.1)
community.crypto details
Type | Count |
action | 1 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 32 |
filter | 6 |
test | 0 |
community.digitalocean (1.23.0)
community.digitalocean details
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 1 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 55 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
community.dns (2.5.4)
community.dns details
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 2 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 14 |
filter | 1 |
test | 0 |
community.docker (3.4.6)
community.docker details
Type | Count |
action | 1 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 3 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 28 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
community.fortios (1.0.0)
community.fortios details
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 28 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
community.general (6.6.1)
community.general details
Type | Count |
action | 2 |
callback | 25 |
inventory | 13 |
lookup | 31 |
modules | 577 |
filter | 14 |
test | 1 | (1.0.0) details
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 1 |
modules | 13 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
community.grafana (1.5.4)
community.grafana details
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 1 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 1 |
modules | 8 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
community.hashi_vault (4.2.1)
community.hashi_vault details
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 9 |
modules | 10 |
filter | 1 |
test | 0 |
community.hrobot (1.8.0)
community.hrobot details
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 1 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 12 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
community.libvirt (1.2.0)
community.libvirt details
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 1 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 3 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
community.mongodb (1.5.2)
community.mongodb details
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 1 |
modules | 18 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
community.mysql (3.7.1)
community.mysql details
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 7 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 | (5.0.0) details
Type | Count |
action | 13 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 1 |
modules | 315 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
community.okd (2.3.0)
community.okd details
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 1 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 13 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
community.postgresql (2.4.1)
community.postgresql details
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 23 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
community.proxysql (1.5.1)
community.proxysql details
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 9 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
community.rabbitmq (1.2.3)
community.rabbitmq details
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 1 |
modules | 14 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
community.routeros (2.8.0)
community.routeros details
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 7 |
filter | 1 |
test | 0 | (1.0.0) details
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 7 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
community.sap_libs (1.4.1)
community.sap_libs details
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 9 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
community.skydive (1.0.0)
community.skydive details
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 1 |
modules | 3 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
community.sops (1.6.1)
community.sops details
Type | Count |
action | 1 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 1 |
modules | 2 |
filter | 2 |
test | 0 |
community.vmware (3.6.0)
community.vmware details
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 2 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 165 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 | (1.13.0) details
Type | Count |
action | 1 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 1 |
modules | 85 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
community.zabbix (1.9.3)
community.zabbix details
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 1 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 30 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
containers.podman (1.10.1)
containers.podman details
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 22 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
cyberark.conjur (1.2.0)
cyberark.conjur details
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 1 |
modules | 0 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
cyberark.pas (1.0.19)
cyberark.pas details
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 4 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
dellemc.enterprise_sonic (2.1.0)
dellemc.enterprise_sonic details
Type | Count |
action | 1 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 28 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
dellemc.openmanage (6.3.0)
dellemc.openmanage details
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 80 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
dellemc.os10 (1.1.1)
dellemc.os10 details
Type | Count |
action | 2 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 9 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
dellemc.os6 (1.0.7)
dellemc.os6 details
Type | Count |
action | 1 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 3 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
dellemc.os9 (1.0.4)
dellemc.os9 details
Type | Count |
action | 1 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 3 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
dellemc.powerflex (1.6.0)
dellemc.powerflex details
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 11 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
dellemc.unity (1.6.0)
dellemc.unity details
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 17 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
f5networks.f5_modules (1.24.0)
f5networks.f5_modules details
Type | Count |
action | 3 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 2 |
modules | 178 |
filter | 2 |
test | 0 |
fortinet.fortimanager (2.1.7)
fortinet.fortimanager details
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 994 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
fortinet.fortios (2.2.3)
fortinet.fortios details
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 646 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
frr.frr (2.0.2)
frr.frr details
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 2 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
gluster.gluster (1.0.2)
gluster.gluster details
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 4 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 | (1.1.3) details
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 1 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 170 |
filter | 1 |
test | 0 |
grafana.grafana (1.1.1)
grafana.grafana details
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 8 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
hetzner.hcloud (1.12.0)
hetzner.hcloud details
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 1 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 37 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
hpe.nimble (1.1.4)
hpe.nimble details
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 22 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
ibm.qradar (2.1.0)
ibm.qradar details
Type | Count |
action | 2 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 16 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
ibm.spectrum_virtualize (1.12.0)
ibm.spectrum_virtualize details
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 44 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
infinidat.infinibox (1.3.12)
infinidat.infinibox details
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 11 |
filter | 1 |
test | 0 |
infoblox.nios_modules (1.5.0)
infoblox.nios_modules details
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 1 |
lookup | 3 |
modules | 21 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
inspur.ispim (1.3.0)
inspur.ispim details
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 126 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 | (2.3.0) details
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 137 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
junipernetworks.junos (4.1.0)
junipernetworks.junos details
Type | Count |
action | 1 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 40 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
kubernetes.core (2.4.0)
kubernetes.core details
Type | Count |
action | 16 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 1 |
lookup | 2 |
modules | 19 |
filter | 1 |
test | 0 |
lowlydba.sqlserver (1.3.1)
lowlydba.sqlserver details
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 30 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
mellanox.onyx (1.0.0)
mellanox.onyx details
Type | Count |
action | 1 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 37 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 | (1.1.0) details
Type | Count |
action | 4 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 1 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 11 |
filter | 1 |
test | 0 | (21.7.0) details
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 4 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 | (21.10.0) details
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 4 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
netapp.cloudmanager (21.22.0)
netapp.cloudmanager details
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 13 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
netapp.elementsw (21.7.0)
netapp.elementsw details
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 24 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
netapp.ontap (22.6.0)
netapp.ontap details
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 148 |
filter | 1 |
test | 0 |
netapp.storagegrid (21.11.1)
netapp.storagegrid details
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 19 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
netapp.um_info (21.8.0)
netapp.um_info details
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 10 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
netapp_eseries.santricity (1.4.0)
netapp_eseries.santricity details
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 5 |
modules | 55 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
netbox.netbox (3.13.0)
netbox.netbox details
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 1 |
lookup | 1 |
modules | 76 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
ngine_io.cloudstack (2.3.0)
ngine_io.cloudstack details
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 1 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 53 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
ngine_io.exoscale (1.0.0)
ngine_io.exoscale details
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 2 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
ngine_io.vultr (1.1.3)
ngine_io.vultr details
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 1 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 24 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 | (1.10.0) details
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 1 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 144 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
openvswitch.openvswitch (2.1.1)
openvswitch.openvswitch details
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 4 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
ovirt.ovirt (2.4.1)
ovirt.ovirt details
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 1 |
inventory | 1 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 58 |
filter | 4 |
test | 1 |
purestorage.flasharray (1.19.1)
purestorage.flasharray details
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 58 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
purestorage.flashblade (1.11.0)
purestorage.flashblade details
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 47 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
purestorage.fusion (1.4.2)
purestorage.fusion details
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 19 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
sensu.sensu_go (1.13.2)
sensu.sensu_go details
Type | Count |
action | 1 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 49 |
filter | 2 |
test | 0 | (2.1.0) details
Type | Count |
action | 4 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 14 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
t_systems_mms.icinga_director (1.33.0)
t_systems_mms.icinga_director details
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 1 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 40 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
theforeman.foreman (3.10.0)
theforeman.foreman details
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 1 |
inventory | 1 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 79 |
filter | 1 |
test | 0 |
vmware.vmware_rest (2.3.1)
vmware.vmware_rest details
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 8 |
modules | 132 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 | (1.8.0) details
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 1 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 27 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
vyos.vyos (4.0.2)
vyos.vyos details
Type | Count |
action | 36 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 0 |
modules | 29 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |
wti.remote (1.0.4)
wti.remote details
Type | Count |
action | 0 |
callback | 0 |
inventory | 0 |
lookup | 32 |
modules | 30 |
filter | 0 |
test | 0 |